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Web Links - Striving To Protect Wildlife and Encourage Responsible Tourism Practices 2024-09-08T00:27:53Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Earthships for Africa 2011-02-14T20:20:38Z 2011-02-14T20:20:38Z We are building the first Earthship in Swaziland. An Earthship is a zero impact habitat If you are interested in learning about Earthships or wish to volunteer please visit our site We are building the first Earthship in Swaziland. An Earthship is a zero impact habitat If you are interested in learning about Earthships or wish to volunteer please visit our site East African Wildlife Society 2011-02-14T20:21:37Z 2011-02-14T20:21:37Z For over forty years now, EAWLS has been at the forefront of efforts protecting endangered and threatened species and habitats in East Africa. For over forty years now, EAWLS has been at the forefront of efforts protecting endangered and threatened species and habitats in East Africa. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) 2011-02-14T20:22:24Z 2011-02-14T20:22:24Z Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is charged with the protection and conservation of the country´s biodiversity as presented by its fauna and flora. KWS´s role is as diverse as the country itself. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is charged with the protection and conservation of the country´s biodiversity as presented by its fauna and flora. KWS´s role is as diverse as the country itself. 2011-02-14T20:23:08Z 2011-02-14T20:23:08Z People and is a fully illustrated, free information resource on all the issues linking people and the global environment. Published by an independent charity, Planet 21, and backed by WWF, the World Conservation Union and the United Nations Population Fund, it includes News, Features, Facts and Figures and a Picture Gallery on 16 themes including Eco Tourism. People and is a fully illustrated, free information resource on all the issues linking people and the global environment. Published by an independent charity, Planet 21, and backed by WWF, the World Conservation Union and the United Nations Population Fund, it includes News, Features, Facts and Figures and a Picture Gallery on 16 themes including Eco Tourism. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust 2011-02-14T20:23:52Z 2011-02-14T20:23:52Z A lifetime dedicated to the protection and preservation of Africa´s Wilderness and its denizens, particularly endangered species such as elephants and Black Rhino A lifetime dedicated to the protection and preservation of Africa´s Wilderness and its denizens, particularly endangered species such as elephants and Black Rhino The Elephant Specialist Group 2011-02-14T20:24:37Z 2011-02-14T20:24:37Z IUCN/SSC Branch - African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG). This site provides technical resources for elephant conservation and management, developed by the AfESG and partner organizations. IUCN/SSC Branch - African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG). This site provides technical resources for elephant conservation and management, developed by the AfESG and partner organizations. 2011-02-14T20:25:12Z 2011-02-14T20:25:12Z In 2004, a group of committed conservationists, led by Dr Richard Leakey, became convinced that the current developments on the internet provided the best opportunity for securing a future for wildlife: an approach that could harness the collective energy of countless good conservationists and combine it with millions of individuals around the world who have a genuine concern for the future of the planets wildlife and unique habitats. These people would connect through the internet to create a movement powerful enough to produce a virtual endowment capable of reversing the catastrophic loss of habitats and species. In 2004, a group of committed conservationists, led by Dr Richard Leakey, became convinced that the current developments on the internet provided the best opportunity for securing a future for wildlife: an approach that could harness the collective energy of countless good conservationists and combine it with millions of individuals around the world who have a genuine concern for the future of the planets wildlife and unique habitats. These people would connect through the internet to create a movement powerful enough to produce a virtual endowment capable of reversing the catastrophic loss of habitats and species.