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Activities - Striving To Protect Wildlife and Encourage Responsible Tourism Practices Wed, 23 Oct 2024 10:25:29 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Chimpanzee Tracking

Chimpanzee Tracking

Tracking the chimpanzee that is our 'cousin' is a very interesting experience. The way they feed, climb trees, respond to humans, caring for their young ones, is just phenomenal.

Be part of the drama of life in a rain forest that can be observed in the Kibale National Park. This park is notable for its primate population, with the chimpanzees being the most famous.

That's not all, you can also be part of the habituation team that goes in the morning to study the behaviour of this primate in order to make them get used to human beings.

You can also track the chimpanzees in Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls National Parks.

]]> Activities Wed, 24 Jan 2007 16:10:57 +0000 Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing in Uganda

If you like mountaineering, then the (5,119 m) high, snow covered Rwenzori Mountains - also known as the 'mountains of the moon' and protected as Rwenzori Mountains National Park which is also a World Heritage Centre - will offer you the unique experience you've been looking for. The mist-shrouded peaks provide stunning back drops to this magnificent mountain. Ever since the Rwenzori became known to the World, its features have been changing. Today, the most visible and probably preventable, changes in the Rwenzori are the fragile vegetation along the trails. A trip into the Rwenzoris is an exhilarating and rewarding experience but one, which must be planned. The key to an enjoyable visit is 'be prepared!' You can do the central circuit in just 7 sevens and our excellent guides will be there to add flavor to your experience. The few who have climbed this mountain have promised to come back, if you are an excellent hiker, looking for a lifetime adventure, please make your reservation now. For more information on reservations, click here Reservations guidline for Rwenzori Mountaineering

It is not just the Rwenzoris alone that you hike in Uganda, there is the famous Mount Elgon National Park. At Mount Elgon National Park, mountaineering can be experienced on this volcanic mountain which is (4,321 m), the 4th highest mountain in East Africa, located in the eastern part of Uganda on the border with Kenya. The park boundaries contain 1147 Sq. km of mountain. Most of this area is covered with typical afro-montane vegetation, complete with giant groundsels and bamboo forest. Many travellers find Mt. Elgon an exciting alternative to some of the more strenuous climbs in East Africa. It has many of the same attractions, with milder climate and lower elevation. Climbing the peaks requires no special equipment or technical climbing experience. It is possible to summit the mountain in as little as three days, but slightly longer visit will permit a more thorough exploration of all Mt. Elgon has to offer.


Activities Wed, 24 Jan 2007 16:07:41 +0000
Nile Horseback Safaris

Nile Horseback Safaris

Nile Horseback Safaris is the latest adventure sport to be introduced to Jinja, in beautiful Uganda, the adventure capital of East Africa.

We offer a variety of rides along the beautiful White Nile. We keep several beautiful Thoroughbred horses, all well schooled and trained. Popular safaris are the two-hour river and village rides or the wonderful luxury overnight package, staying at a beautiful riverside lodge.

Monkeys, birds, huge rapids and plenty of Ugandan people smiling and waving make this horse riding experience distinctive and fascinating. We can arrange everything from transport, accommodation and fishing trips, as well as safaris by vehicle to all of Uganda’s wonderful variety of game parks, lakes, mountains and jungles.

Family owned, Nile Horseback Safaris also welcomes children to learn to ride. Why not drop the kids off in the morning while you check into one of Jinja’s beautiful lodges for the weekend and we’ll drop them off later in the day! Or just chill out and read a book in a hammock on our beautiful lawns overlooking the Nile. Anything is possible - just call us to arrange your weekend away.

We are based near to Jinja, the source of the White Nile, an easy hour and a quarter drive east of Kampala. Take the road opposite Nile Breweries towards Kayunga, travel for 4 kilometres and turn right at our sign. Follow the dirt track and you’ll find us right beside the river.

Safety & Riding Ability Required

Our safaris are available to novice, intermediate and experienced riders. All trips are accompanied by a guide. Safaris are paced at the level of the least experienced rider in the group.

Helmets are supplied but are not manditory. Please bring your own helmet if you want to ensure that you have perfectly fitted head protection. (Bike riding or kayaking helmets are ideal).

Please note that horse riding is a risk sport. Your choice to ride is voluntary. We provide suitable, well trained and highly experienced (bomb-proof) trekking horses for our customers. However horses can be unpredictable and we strongly advise you take out full personal accident cover.

What to bring

For your safety, we require that you wear closed shoes, preferably with a heel. Boots can be purchased second-hand in Jinja markets for reasonable prices.

We suggest bringing the following:

  • Sun protection cream factor 20 or higher.
  • Most of our clients choose not to wear hard hats, but due to the heat please do bring a wide brimmed sunhat.
  • Chaps or long rubber boots.
  • A light weight rain coat.
  • Spare camera batteries and plenty of film/digital memory.
  • Long pants, trousers or jeans, for your own comfort

Uganda is renowned for its temperate weather. The hottest part of the year is November to March. We have two rainy seasons per year, with the short rains from late October to December, and the long rains from March to June. We generally run trips early in the morning or late in the afternoon, for your and our horse's comfort. However we can arrange mid day rides if necessary. We still do safaris in the wet season however you will be less likely to get wet by booking a morning safari. We do have some raincoats, but recommend you bring your own.

The last 1km of our road is unsealed and during the wet season we do suggest using a four wheel drive if coming to Nile Horseback Safaris by car. We can pick you up in our Landrover to transport you over the unsealed part of our road when the road is wet.

How To Find Us

Nile Horseback Safaris is based near to Jinja, the source of the White Nile, an easy hour and a quarter drive east of Kampala. You may choose to make your own way to us, or we can help arrange a private transfer.  

Nile Horseback Safaris

From Kampala and Entebbe International Airport:
Take the main Kenya highway towards Jinja. Before crossing the dam turn left at the road signposted to Kayunga. Approximately 4 kilometres along this road you will pass through Naminya Trading Centre. Look out for our sign down the hill on the right and we are approximately 1 kilometre along a dirt track (if raining we recommend 4x4, or call us to arrange a lift). If you reach the high school on the left hand side of the road, you have gone too far.

From Bujagali Falls, Nile River Explorers, Eden Rock, Jinja Nile Resort:
Head toward Jinja town and turn right at the first roundabout. Cross the dam and turn right at the first road, signed posted to Kayunga. Follow the road as above.

Responsible Tourism

Africa is place of stunning beauty, and also of third world living conditions. We pass through the local village of Naminya, and come into contact with a lot of Ugandan people on our safaris. Ugandan people in our experience are amongst the most friendly people in Africa, (just another reason why we choose to live here). Uganda and especially the area around the source of the Nile in Jinja, is a exceptionally fertile area, and subsistance farming is the most common way of life in our area. No one in the village goes hungry, as Ugandans have a strong sense of family, and look after each other if someone has a brief period of shortage. Occassionally children will ask for money when safaris pass by. We are trying to discourage begging, as we believe it has a negative social affect, and helps continue Africa's want and increasing reliance on international aid.

By having local farmers supply us with the remnants of their crops to feed our horses, and allowing children to ride our horses on our village open days we hope we are contributing the community. We employ staff from our village, and are looking for promising Ugandans with a passion for horses to train to become guides and grooms. By purchasing local crafts you may see along the way is another way you can help and encourage Ugandans to be self sufficient and self confident. Our aim is to achieve a mutually beneficial situation for both Nile Horseback Safaris and our particular village of Naminya so the benefits from the tourists that pass through the area are shared.

If you would like to give something, please do not give money. Childrens books that can be donated to the local school would be an excellent idea. They can be sent to our postal address to be passed on. If you really want to do something to help the local community while you are here, a session with Soft Power Education as a volunteer helping renovate the local schools is an ideal half day out. See their website for more information or talk to us when you are here.

We also want to leave our local Ugandan friends with a good impression of the foreigners who come to see their beautiful home. We ask you do not ride our horses through their crops, unless told to by your guide. Please treat everyone you meet in the village with respect as this is their home. A smile and even a "Jambo" to say hello does wonders for the enthusiastic young Ugandans you will meet on the way.

Contact Us

Call or email Natalie or TJ

PH: +256 (0) 774 101 196
Alt Ph: +256 (0) 772667040

P.O. Box 1610
Jinja Uganda


Activities Sat, 11 Nov 2006 14:43:00 +0000
Gorilla Tracking

Gorilla Tracking

Gorilla tracking is a very captivating activity; it involves walking in the wilderness in search of these great apes. It can be a changelling activity, therefore ensure physical fitness.Six people are permitted per group per day and a total of eighteen (18) people is taken in Bwindi, while six (6) people are allowed for Mgahinga. So far, we have four groups for viewing. There are three groups in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, (Mubare,Habinyanja, and Rushegura) and one (Nyakagezi) in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Booking Procedure:

1. Booking Office

  • Booking for all gorilla permits in Bwindi and Mgahinga is done at UWA Headquarters in Kampala. For permit fee information please check on the tariffs section.

2. Long Term (Two Years in Advance) Booking Allocations

  • Advance booking shall be allowed up to two years as long as a deposit of 30% is made and the balance shall be paid 91 days to the tracking date.
  • 80% of all the gorilla permits in each month can be booked for two years in advance by the Association of Uganda Tour Operations (AUTO) members only. Foreign tour operators will book through local tour operators.
  • Each tour operator (AUTO) shall book up to only 20 permits for that particular month on the day the booking opens, which is the first working day (Monday to Friday) of the month.

3. Short time booking (three months in advance)

  • Individual trackers can buy from Uganda Wildlife Authority not more than 2 permits for the month. There is no guarantee, which dates or how many per day will be available. Booking can be done on the day the booking opens, which is the first working day of the month.

4. Permit Limits

  • Permits not sold on the day the booking opens will be open for sale the following day with no limits on the number each tour operator would buy.

6. Refunds/Cancellation Guidelines

  • UWA shall refund the full tracking fee, if the visitor fails to track due to illness, this will be at recommendation of the Warden in Charge and this clause only applies to visitors who have already tracked BINP or MGNP.
  • Visitors who fail to track the gorillas (MGNP) as a result of their movement to the neighboring country shall receive a full refund on their permits. However, those who would have tracked the whole day and failed to view the gorillas for one reason or another will be refunded 75% of the tracking fee. All refunds shall be effected through the Reservation Office at UWA Headquarters in Kampala.
  • UWA will retain the following percentages upon cancellations;
    0 - 8 days to tracking date - no refund
    9 - 45 days to tracking date - 75% (25% refund to client)
    46-90 days to tracking date - 50%
    91 days and above to tracking date - 25% (75% refund to client)

7. Any refund to be made on the 30% deposit shall be at the value of the permit.


8. Permits must be sold at face value, whoever sells at higher value will be penalized.

9. Primary sale of permits by individuals or tour companies anywhere is illegal. All permits MUST be sold by Uganda Wildlife Authority only.

10. Payment for gorilla permits must be made directly to Uganda Wildlife Authority.

11. Payment Terms:

The acceptable payment methods are:
Cash (Uganda Shillings, US dollars, GB Pounds, Euros),


1. US$ notes below $100 should be 1990 & above
2. Us$100 notes should be 1997 & above

  • Bank Transfers (net of the bank charges)
  • Traveler's Cheques (Present receipt of purchase at point of sale & 1% charge)


12. Time Limit

The tracking time is limited from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All visitors are expected back at the campground by 7:00 p.m.


Activities Fri, 28 Jul 2006 22:28:00 +0000