Travel Report by Karin & Stefan Froemmel
From 02.10.2006 till 18.10.2006 we spent our honeymoon in Kenya. We booked our tour by Sun World Safaris and we were very surprised about this great organisation. After this trip we will ever book our Kenya Tours by Sunworld Safaris and at the moment we are planning our next trip to Lake Nakuru and Massai Mara in August 2007 also by Sundworld Safaris.
Our trip started on 02.10.2007. We arrived in Nairobi very late so we spent our fist night in the Nairobi Safari Club. This was a nice hotel, the food was good and the staff was friendly.
Early the next morning we drove to Serena Mountain Lodge at the Mount Kenya. This is a very big and interesting lodge with a big waterhole in front. So you can sit on the terrace, have a cup of tea or coffee or a beer and watch the animals. In this lodge, if you are a lucky person, you can see the big wood-pig which is really very, very big! For us – it was a little bit boring to sit on the terrace and watch the animals – we like to drive through the bush to spot animals. During the lunchtime there came a big herd of elephants to the water. Suddenly the lunch was uninteresting. That was such a beautiful sighting to see this big herd. But one baby-elephant had a very bad leg. He came into a wire sling and the leg was very swelled. He couldn´t bedevil his leg and with every footstep he was crying! The herd was very considerately and they always waited for him. It was horrible for us to see that! We gave a message to the rangers to help this elephant but they said they couldn´t do anything – it´s do dangerous! We couldn´t believe that message!

The next day after an excellent breakfast we drove to our next target – the Shaba National Reserve.
04. – 06.10.2006
The Shaba National Reserve is a beautiful Reserve!!! The countryside is very beautiful but we didn´t see a lot of animals. Some elephants, some Oryx but we saw some Grevy-Zebras.
On the 05.10.2006 we visited the place were Joy Adamson was killed and we also visited the new camp which is called Joys Campside, because it`s built up on the place were Joy stood. This is a very beautiful camp but also a little bit expensive. On this place you will have an excellent view into the countryside and there is also a waterhole. We enjoyed our trip to the Shaba National Reserve and the Sarova Lodge was also very good. It was clean, the rooms were very nice and also the poolarea was very clean. The staff was very friendly and the meals were very good and everytime warm! One night there came a big elephant-bull to the river next to the lodge! That was amazing! Around the area there were a lot of monkeys and it was funny for us to look at them playing.
06.10.2006 – 09.10.2006
After the Shaba National Reserve we drove to Samburu National Reserve and there we stayed in the Larsens Tented Camp. That was an unforgettable place for us. The camp is next to the Ewaso Nyiro River and you will have a fantastic view from your tent. It was very quiet there, only the monkeys did a lot of noise and in the night we could hear the lions. There was also a couple of lions in this area which were also in honeymoon. We saw this couple nearly every day!
The meals were excellent and the staff was very friendly. The Samburu National Reserve is a very beautiful Reserve and we were very lucky with our sightings. We saw a lot of elephants, one baby-elephant with a age of 2 weeks, leopards, cheetahs, lions, giraffes, buffalos, dik-dik, gerenuks, oryx, impalas, waterbuks, some birds, owls, grevyzebras and burchelli-zebras ….. the time we stayed there were amazing days for us!
On the first evening in Samburu we saw a leopard lying in the tree! That was an unforgettable moment! We were in South Africa for 4 holiday but we never saw a leopard for such a long time! Only for a few seconds. Around the tree, were the leopard was lying there about 30 cars with a lot of tourists. But the leopard was very relaxed. He was always looking to every side so every tourist was able to take good pictures!
09.10.2006 – 11.10.2006

During our time in Sweetwaters we also visited the chimpanzee-station in Sweetwaters. The people there do a lot of very good work! The area for the chimpanzees is very beautiful and they have enough place to live there. It`s like there natural habits.Some chimpanzees have a very bad history and it´s unbelievable how cruel some people can be.
11.10.2006 – 14.10.2006
From Sweetwaters we drove directly to the Lake Nakuru Nationalpark. We arrived there for lunch-time. We booked a room in the new part of the lodge close to the fences that we could see the parkarea. But the management gave us rooms inside the lodge so we were a little bit disappointed about that. But the rooms were very nice and clean. The food in the Lake Nakuru Lodge was not very good. The lodge is very big so there are a lot of tourists and it was always very loud at lunch and dinner time and the food was not always warm. But the staff was very friendly!! The countryside in the Nakuru Nationalpark is very beautiful!! At this time we stayed there it was very dry and dusty and there was no much grass for all animals. The Park domiciled a lot of different animals. We saw lions, 4 leopards (!!), buffalos, giraffes, black and white rhino, grant´s gazelles, impalas, elands, zebras, a lot of flamingos and a lot of other birds and we enjoyed our stay there very much. So we are looking forward to come back to the Lake Nakuru Park in august 2007. One afternoon we did a picknick on the baboon-cliff and this was very nice. We had a fantastic outlook of the park and we saw how far the water of the lake was going back. So the park needs the rain very urgently. We saw al lot of leopards in this park and we were very happy about that. One leopard tried to hunt an impala male but he was not lucky. We don´t know what exactly happened but I think the impala saw the leopard and run away. The leopard was very angry about his disaster and disappeared in the bush. It was the first leopard-hunting for us and very exciting! But one day later we saw a leopard close to the road with a very fresh impala-kill it was a male impala. We don´t know if it was the same leopard. He was still breathing very strong so the kill must happened a few minutes before we passed the road.

We had also a meeting with the Rhino-Ranger from the KWS in Lake Nakuru. They told us a lot about the rhino-project and the park and it was very interesting for us!
We met the chief-ranger who appropriate the district where Nakuru and also the Mount Kenya belongs. I told her about the baby-elephant we saw with the wire sling. She was very interested and after that information she did a telephone-call and informed the appropriate vet. Before we left the Lake Nakuru Nationalpark, she came to us and told us that it was possible to help this elephant. The vet sanitated the leg and the baby-elephant feels better now. But the rangers have to watch him! We all were very happy about this message!!!
14.10.2006 – 15.10.2006
We spent our next night in the Naivasha Country Club! It was a very beautiful Club but the staff was not very friendly and about the whole time we stayed there the sprinkler were working also during the night! Sure, everything was green and the flowers were nice but outside the Club the people have to go very fast to get water so we thought it was not okay to waste so much water for the grass and the flowers! We didn´t really enjoyed our stay there!
15.10.2006 – 16.10.2006
But after the Naivasha Country Cub we stayed in Elsamere. Elsamere was the house from Joy and George Adamson. There is a museum inside the house. My husband and me a big fans from Joy and George and their work in the wilderness especially with the lioness Elsa so that was an amazing place for us!!! We watched some TVs about the life and the work of both and that was very interesting. It was relaxing to sit in the garden, to see the beautiful countryside around the house and to watch the colobus-monkeys which live in the garden but we also saw same in the Lake Nakuru Nationalpark. The house is very close to the Lake Naivasha so you have to be aware about hippos! Late in the afternoon – I was finished with me book and the sun was going down. Suddenly there was a buffalo in the garden! I was so shocked and also surprised about the buffalo but I think the buffalo was also surprised to see me!
The staff and the management were very, very friendly and the dinner was excellent! So we are looking forward to come back in August 2007 and we are very happy about that!
During our stay in Elsamere we visited the Hells Gate Nationalpark. But we didn´t enjoy this visit. It was very dry and very dusty and the roads were horrible!! We saw a herd of buffalos, some zebras, a big group of elands and a massai-giraffe family – a mother with twins! I think to see a giraffe with healthy twins is very rare.
The roads in Kenya are very, very bad!!!! The trips between the lodges were terrible!! We thought about all the money which Kenya gets every year from other nations! What did they do with the money??
Before we went to our last station we had a lunch with the director of the Kenya Wildlife Service in the restaurant carnivores. The Lady with her association had some questions to the director and for us it was very interesting to meet him. Of course I also had a lot of questions and he was very friendly and gave me a lot of answers.
16.10.2006 – 17.10.2006
We spent our last night in an old estate in Nairobi – in Giraff Manor!! This house belongs to an old English family! This stay was unforgettable and one of the nicest place I have ever spent the night!! The dinning-room has a big table were the people sit around. On one side sit the earl on the other side the countess and between sit the tourists. Who ever saw the movie “dinner for one” can fancy the situation during our dinner! It was unbelievable! Only one thing was missing – the stumble-tiger like in the movie. We had an excellent dinner there and the rooms were perfect.

Late in the evening we went back to Germany! It was a wonderful trip and on this place we will say THANK YOU to Sunworld Safari for the perfect organisation and a special THANK YOU to our driver Silas!!
We will come back in August 2007 to see the migration in the Massai Mara! And during this time we will try two new camps – the Massai Mara Bush Camp and the Flamingo Hill Camp Camp in Nakuru.