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Bisanadi National Park

You are here: Kenya Tour Operators National Parks Bisanadi National Park

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Posted by  Thursday, 30 March 2006 08:57

Bisanadi National Park

Background Information
It acts as a wildlife dispersal area for Meru national park. It is a part of the Meru, Kora, Mwingi and Bisanadi conservation area.

Adjacent to north-east boundary of Meru, Isiolo district, covering an area of 606km2.

The climate is hot and dry.


The Reserve is readily accessible Via Meru.

Park Roads
One road connecting Meru and Bisanadi.




The vegetation is mainly thorn bushland and thicket with Combretum prevailing in the north and Commiphora in the south. To the west the Combretum merges into Terminalia wooded grasslands. The red-flowered parasitic Loranthus grows on the branches of Acacia reficiens along the rivers. Dense riverine forests of doum palm Hyphaene spp. and raffia palm Raphia spp. occur along the water courses. Some riverine swamps have sedges Cyperus sp., and grasses Echinochloa haplacelada and Pennisetum mezianum. On the plains Sehima nervosa, Chloris roxburghiana and other species of Pennisetum are the dominant grasses.

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