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Sperm Whale washed up in Watamu

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Posted by  Cody Wednesday, 04 October 2006 18:19

Sperm Whale washed up in Watamu

Coastweek - Kenya




Coastweek - - Ranger Mohammed Mwachanze from
Watamu Marine Park carefully examines the rotting
remains of the dead sperm whale that was washed
up on the Watamu Beach..

Cause of death has not been established



Coastweek - - Fishermen in Watamu have discovered the rotting carcass of a dead sperm whale washed up at Kitangani Island, along Watamu Beach.

The cause of death has not been established but it is believed that the sperm whale might have drifted  to shallow waters during high tide but was unable to retreat or it might have died elsewhere and then been washed up to the beach.

The fishermen, Beach Managers and the community along the beach have expressed concern that sharks can be attracted towards the beach by the decomposing flesh and could cause danger to the beach users.

The stench emanating from the carcass could also discourage tourist at the resort beach.

The carcass can only be accessed during low tide  and there has been a suggestion that the best possible way to deal with the smell  is by pulling it to the sand beach, bury it in the sand and after it rots the bones can be put on display at Gede Museum.

This exercise is being done in collaboration with the Watamu Marine Park, Gede Museun, Fishermen, locals and hotel managers.

Coastweek - - Curious on lookers mill around the carcass
of a sperm whale that was washed up at Watamu Beach.

Coastweek - - Kenya wildlife service Watamu Marine park
officials led by, Pascal Magiri, deputy warden extreme
right with rangers, Mohammed Mwachanze, Emily Simba
and Abdallah Alausy, Senior Curator Gede Museum
(touching the carcass) follow the leads at the scene
where a sperm whale was washed up at watamu beach.