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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

Link to this post 06 May 09

What about the Massai who are responsible for letting their land to these guys?

The Massai people get loads of money from all these conservancy fees, reserve fees etc.
It seems there is not enough money in the world to satisfy some people's greed.
The statement given by KWS ""People have a right to build what they want with their land .........but take from me there will be no ZOO!". It's inappropriate and loughable! There are regulations and rules what a owner is allowed to do - even in Kenya or would it be possible to build a brothel, sky scraper etc in that conservancy?

One can turn it in any way - out comes greediness and nothing else.

The bad thing is: There will be loads of safarigoers who come to the Mara for 2 nights and be pleased to visit that drive-through-zoo! They want to see cheetah and they won't care at what expenses!

It's not good at all but I hope for a major crises which leads to decreasing number of tourists so that they might come to terms again. In any case the animals have to pay the price tag!


You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara