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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

Link to this post 05 Apr 09

We once met the wife of a head of a NGO (Red Cross East Africa) and what she told us regarding their lifestyle in Nairobi etc.................these people work so hard visiting all these parties, get-togethers etc. It's all
a question of "priorities"

Link to this post 06 Apr 09

This is very disheartening, indeed. I have only learned today, yet I am a conservation biologist starting up a non-invasive / non-intrusive study on the 'wild' cheetah population in the Tsavo Region of Kenya. Apparently, some individuals are keeping quiet about this matter. In 2006, I assisted the KWS on their 'wild' cheetah project... it's bad enough with all the 'cheetah harassment which occurs in the Mara... now, they'll be darted and put in cages? My stomach turned when I read the East African Standard, this morning.

I just sent an email out to my affiliate director: Dr Laurie Marker of the Cheetah Conservation Fund. Unfortuately, there is a lot of corruption on the governmental front, Pippa... it all comes down to money.

quote]Original von pippa
It's somehow sad that we have to open a new thread where the article in question with all its information isn't available but still want discuss it.

What the hell is going on in Kenya?

Why doesn't the KWS and/or Kenya Tourism Board, not to mention the ministre for environment if such a position exists, interfere and stop that building procedure once and for all?

If the Massai Mara will be neighbored by a drive-thru-zoo people will not any longer visit because they can have all that in Germany, England, US.

I would really like to know how much these spanish folks paid the appropriate government employees to receive permission [/quote]

Link to this post 06 Apr 09


Welcome to Bushdrums! We are particularly happy to have someone studying Kenyan wildlife join us.

We have a few members here who love Tsavo and hope you'll be able to share some positive results of your cheetah study with us.

Again, welcome.

Link to this post 06 Apr 09

Welcome TsavoCheetah!

In the nine days I was in E Tsavo this year (Feb 9 thru 18) saw and photographed 6 cheetah (4 in a male coalition, one lone and possibly pregnant female near Satao Camp, another female near the swamp on the Voi road feeding on a male impala--she had sustained a cut on her shoulder during her hunt but this didn't seem to interfere with her appetite).

I'm curious - do you work with Mary at Action for Cheetahs in Kenya - formerly, CCF/Kenya? I spend 3 weeks volunteering in Namibia with Laurie Marker and it was an amazing experience.

Great to have you on board!

Link to this post 06 Apr 09

A warm welcome also from me TsavoCheetah!

Good you have found us so that we can learn especially as you are not just an animal lover but also a professional!

Link to this post 07 Apr 09

Thank you, everyone, for your kind welcome. This is quite an informative and engaging website.

Kat - Thank you, for the cheetah sighting info from Tsavo. E. You sure were fortunate to see so many individuals, in a short amount of time. Very soon, I will have sheets made up for visitors, lodge and tour operators etc, in Tsavo, to mark their recordings and submit quality cheetah photographs for ID. There will be strict guidelines, of course, to educate and ensure that there is no accompanied harassment of the cheetahs. These sheets will also be made available off my blog site, which I had recently created:

Yes, I will be working with Mary and Cosmas, in certain aspects, and my project is included in the ACK newsletters on the CCF website. Although my affiliation with CCF as well as my funding, is independent of ACK. I actually think I have met you - at a three day large carnivore workshop at soysambu in 2005... I kept admiring your 'African inspired' dresses.


(Tsavo Cheetah)

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara