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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

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Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara

Link to this post 03 Apr 09

Hi Pippa:

Heard from the cheetah conservationist today with an interim reply. She states that somehow this hereto unknown group has "come in under the radar and obtained permission to build their "zoo" in the Mara". All big cat/carnivore conservationists in Kenya, who have been there for decades working on behalf of cheetahs, lions, et al, are fighting it and meeting with KWS to see what can be done. The promoters of this "zoo" say they have been working in conjunction with several European zoos but when contacted the European zoos deny any knowledge of them! It all sounds very suspect - to put it mildly. Will keep you informed of any further news on this subject as it is passed along to me.

I personally know several private ranches with substantial wildlife conservancy components who have put in applications with NEMA (Kenya's Environmental Ministry) to expand their conservation efforts and have been waiting, literally, years to get approvals. Amazing that an entity with almost no track record can come in and be granted permission by NEMA and the Narok County Council to do this kind of radical development almost overnight!

Perhaps we can email KWS/NEMA to find out what's going friends and supporters of Kenya's wildlife conservation efforts.

Thanks for the heads up on this, Pippa, and KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

Link to this post 03 Apr 09

Thank you Kat!

Several years ago I read an article on a German couple which breeds Cheetahs in Spain. But I did not pay too much attention to it.

I googled a bit but could not find any trace.

Maybe these guys are involved.
I'll put more effort in researching this and report as soon as I find something.

A pity I don't go to Indaba this year. That would have been a perfect opportunity to research

Link to this post 04 Apr 09

What the hell is right.

If this has all passed over, as Pippa stated.

Here is who to write and the particular project specs.

Director General
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
Popo Road off Mombasa Road
P.O. Box 67839-00200
Nairobi, Kenya

Objection to the "Cheetah Rehabilitation Sanctuary Project" of the Kenya Cheetah Foundation (KCF)
KCF NEMA LICENSE 0002326 dated NOV 10, 2008
KCF NEMA Report PR/4058
KCF NEMA Approval 3/10/2008
Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Proposed "Cheetah Rehabilitation Sanctuary" dated June 2008

I just sent my note of outrage. If the project was already halted, great.

Link to this post 04 Apr 09

Thank you atravelynn!

Link to this post 04 Apr 09

I also wrote to NEMA today..and a few people who I think should or might have some knowledge of this.

My cheetah conservation friend has an excellent website that is tied to other Kenyan/African wildlife researchers:

If you have the stomach for it, go to this site and scroll down to the article and picture entitled "British Kill Entire Elephant Herd". Completely outrageous! (I've already sent this to Jan).

Link to this post 05 Apr 09

Done and will also send an e mail to KWS to see if they respond. They have not done in the past - as a few other NGO's that are PAID big sums by massive international cooperations. When they are put on the spot or asked a question - strange that some of these NGO's hide.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Row over cheetah project stokes fears of foul play in the Mara