Thanks a lot, Cody! Your PM was a big help! Currently my plans are to visit Meru NP and Samburu, head further north to Turkana, climb Mount Kenya on the way back to Nairobi and visit Amboseli or Tsavo at the end of my trip. But of course this could change again and again before starting! There's 5 weeks in total and I'm looking forward so much! Could start tomorrow !
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Meru National Park - Off the beaten track in Kenya?

You will have the best time. July and August is also a good time of year if you do not like rain.
From your PM - your way of travelling is very similar to mine and Simba. We used to travel quite a lot when we were knee hight to a grasshopper living in Kenya and the most luxury bed was the roof of a 4x4. Great days -
You plans sounds really good and I have done that path. I am sure you will come back with a great smile.
Feel free to ask any questions.... make sure to take good mosquito netting and skin repelant as you will be driving in areas where they hover around you - especially at night.

Meru has wonderful landscape but this damn elephant grass.........which makes sightings pretty tricky.
but if you are not just chasing big game (black rhino sanctuary is there as well!") you might very well appreciate that park.
Elsa's is my favourite!
Happy Planning!

Thanks Pippa! I've been on Elsa Kopje's website before - absolutely fantastic but I regret it's not my budget . Cody, that's exactly how I like to travel with a comfortable accommodation from time to time! There's a hundreds of questions more I fear - I'll let you know

Don't be shy: Just write to them and ask for "specials".
Based on the vital fact that camps remain almost empty due to the economic crisis they might me more than willing to grant a good rate

Ciao Tobi -
No worries; every qiestion asked and answered is an eye opener for all of us. We all have different ideas, ways to travel and budgets.
As long as you have a great time...