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People frantically trying to sell their ivory on eBay before ban

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics People frantically trying to sell their ivory on eBay before ban

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People frantically trying to sell their ivory on eBay before ban

Link to this post 12 Jan 09


Thank you for joining us on bushdrums. Though we may not always agree with one another, we do appreciate hearing one another's points of view.

I think most people would have no problem with items being made from mammoth since it is already extinct, PROVIDING it could be proven it was indeed mammoth and not ivory. The only way that could be done is by sending items to the University of Washngton DNA lab. It would be time consuming and very expensive to do so. The same would apply to "bone" products. If the seller wished to go to that expense himself, have a certificiate showing a picture of the item that has been tested and verified as mammoth/bone , then I don't think people would have any problem with that.

You say that ivory and mammoth look different. However, ivory itself looks different depending on the area in which the elephant was poached. For instance, ivory from the forest elephants has a pinkish hue compared to other ivory. Some tusks have many small cracks in them - others are completely smooth. Some are very white while others have a yellowish hue.

A number of us have been following the ivory sales on eBay. When the news came out that it could be sold only within the US and not ivory items brought into the US, all of a sudden the Chinese shops said the ivory was coming from an address in the US (?friend, acquaintance?). Dishonest.

Then, when eBay was talking about putting a ban on ivory items, strangely the very same items previously shown as ivory all of a sudden became mammoth or bone. ? Dishonest?

You may not be aware, but since CITES allowed the sale of ivory to China, poaching has rise dramatically and elephants are being decimated.

China has become "friends" in almost every African country. The Chinese are now asking all the indigenous people to sell them all the ivory they find - thus encouraging those hungry indigenous people who wouldn't ordinarly think of poaching to now consider killing elephants. I know this from personal experience on one of my trips there.

There is no adequate regulation to protect elephants, their ivory or the sale of such. On eBay recently there were some beautiful ivory necklaces from a jeweler in Hawaii. The US Fish and Wildlife certificate shown was for 2,400 pieces of jewelry in 1987!!! Those 2,400 pieces could have been sold 10 years ago and the certificate being used for ivory jewelry shipped from China last week from an elephant killed a month ago.

Most of the members of bushdrums are wildlife lovers. Most, if not all of us, have made many trips to Africa and have seen the marked decrease in the elephant population as well as many other species. Many of us support wildlife organizations in Africa to try to help make a small difference in helping Africans save their wildlife. Anything we can do to help stop the decimation of wildlife is important to us.

Prove to me your pieces are indeed mammoth and I'd be willing to buy from you.

Link to this post 12 Jan 09

I am in agreement with Jan, in fact she beat me to basically the same reply.

It is good that you join our group hopefully to add your slant on the discussions which we may not agree with but we do respect them.

I would add the following to your debate.

The ivory carving industry MUST have an honest & visible means of proving the authenticity that the carving for sale is indeed Mammoth ivory, bone or what have you.
If just one fraudulent ivory item is sold through this system from poached ivory then the death of that elephant is too high a price to pay.

I admire greatly the infinite skill & patience of the craftsmen who work the ivory but I'm sure their skill can also craft an item of beauty & wonderment in other materials, Boxwood, Rosewood, Tagua nut & the like.
Education for the carvers client is a must for is it not the carvers skill we should clamour for & not the base material?

I also note that your homepage is for carved ivory products & also an ivory auction site!
And I detect a note of jealousy in your attack on eBay, for me I am glad of the new regulations not all sellers & buyers of Mammoth Ivory are honest folk!
It is up to eBay to put what rules it desires into place if we don't like it we can either lobby eBay or not use eBay, we are not forced to participate in eBay auctions.

As with the quality of video on YouTube there are a number of critics but nobody forces anyone to use eBay or YouTube..... Go elsewhere! Which it appears you have done!

Link to this post 12 Jan 09

I thank you for joiniong us and for your honest opinions; much appreciated.
Like most comments and businesses there are those who work well and those that take advantage of the system; I was supriced to see so much Ivory on my last trip and find it hard to believe every shops said that is was mammoth Ivory.
You being in the business - do you think that this is possible that there is so much Mmmoth Ivory to go around?

Link to this post 04 Feb 09

<<I think most people would have no problem with items being made from mammoth since it is already extinct, PROVIDING it could be proven it was indeed mammoth and not ivory. The only way that could be done is by sending items to the University of Washngton DNA lab.>>

Actually it is usually quite easy to distinguish between elephant and mammoth ivory. USFWS has published a guide which describes a conclusive visual inspection to distinguish mammoth ivory from elephant ivory. You need an 8x magnifying lense and good light source (I\'ve found that two 2x reading glasses and sunlight work just fine most of the time):

If you can\'t see schreger lines, it is PROBABLY not MI (and should not be purchased). If you can see schreger lines <90deg, it IS definitely MI. If you CAN see schreger lines >100 deg, it IS DEFINTELY elephant ivory.

AS for the availability of mammoth ivory, you would be amazed. Most high quality MI comes out of Siberia, whose frozen permafrost are estimated to hide millions of mammoth carcasses, each containing several hundred lbs of ivory tusk. The ice has preserved the ivory for tens of thousands of years, but once the tusks melt up and are exposed to the environment, tooth decay sets in and rapidly degrades the ivory.

Here is an interesting article about woolly mammoths:

Link to this post 04 Feb 09

Braniac welcome to Bushdrums.

Thanks for that very valuable information & links.

Link to this post 05 Feb 09

Karibu to Bushdrums Braniac and thank you for the information provided.

I saw an interesting documentary some time back stating that the biggest Mammoth graveyard has been found off the north coast of Holland in the north sea. They are dregging the shallow floor for Ivory and bones however I am sure the quality will be poor being in the sea for thousands of years.

The link shown is also interesting and will look very carefully next time I am in China town.....

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics People frantically trying to sell their ivory on eBay before ban