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Between 3 - 4,000 Wildebeest Drown in the Last Crossing of the Year

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Between 3 - 4,000 Wildebeest Drown in the Last Crossing of the Year

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Between 3 - 4,000 Wildebeest Drown in the Last Crossing of the Year

Link to this post 29 Oct 08

Between 3 - 4,000 wildebeest drowned in the last crossing of the year

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 11:29AM

Naitoi in Great Migration

There have been so many crossings this year since the migration first came into the Triangle and we have seen so few cases of drowning. There can\'t be more than ten or twenty incidences when a wildebeest succumbed to the water instead of a crocodile, but then in these past few days so so many have drowned.

The bodies are caught on rocks as they are swept downstream.

For some reason the wildbeest have chosen such a difficult crossing point, with very steep rocks on the other side. Sadly we have seen so many drown since the crossing started and we think anywhere between 3 - 4,000 did not make it to the other side.

It looks like this was the last crossing of the wildebeest and we will not see them again this year. I wish them well for the rest of their journey and look forward to the day next year when the zebras come down from the Loita Plains and then we know that the great migration will soon start again in the Mara Triangle.

Lets hope their mating season is very successful.

Article with pictures at:

Link to this post 30 Oct 08

This will always continue but the whole migration area is in danger due to fencing & farming..... nothing has yet to be done mainly on the Kenyan side of the situation. Tanzania through private group ranches - of which professional hunters are involved who have vasts amount of land have positively acted for migration.
The small individual farmers and owners in Kenya have been a big problem due to fencing!
Hopefully they will act soon -

Link to this post 30 Oct 08


Don't hold your breath my friend. It will take forever for the powers that be to see clearly on what needs to be done for their wildlife.

Link to this post 01 Nov 08

Unfortunately you are so correct.

Link to this post 29 Nov 08

it is deastating on one hand but encouraging on the other.
these wildebeest are so great breeders they will make up for the loss. but of course it's so sad fr the individual.

i am already pretty focussed to get back to the mara for the 2009 migration. this wonder of the world is so outstanding to observe that i simply must return.

and nico, what you are posting is very disturbing!

this migration is gaining so much attantion and brings so much money into the country - tourism wise. why can't the small farmers participate in all that money which flies in in form of reserve fees, conservancy fees?

sometimes - or more often lately - i find myself so hopelessly powerless to change any tiny bit........


Link to this post 30 Nov 08

Pippa it is very disturbing but what makes me really angry is that we have educated people with all the initials behind their names from PhD's to Prof. etc etc and they are responsible to make a difference and take projects under their wings - and to make them work. They have the resources, time, man power and infrastructure but they just are too slow or do not have the fire in them to act and make it happen. They get paid - well but they do not push. It is sad but true.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Between 3 - 4,000 Wildebeest Drown in the Last Crossing of the Year