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Disturbing Tsavo news

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Disturbing Tsavo news

Link to this post 25 May 08

I was just looking over and came across the following very disturbing notice about a camp in Tsavo. I'll paste it below:

"Three weeks ago, a van owned by one popular Tour company was stopped and searched by KWS Officers who had been tipped that the staff of this company were conducting illegal sport hunting to their “clients” and feeding the meat obtained to staff at their Tourist Camp probably to subsidise food costs and for sale in Mombasa. In Kenya any form of consumptive utilization of wildlife is illegal, unless a problem animal is killed by Kenya Wildlife Service - when communities are allowed to feast on the carcass. Therefore, everything he is doing is totally illegal. It is understood that this has been going on for a while. The man responsible - a senior staff in the Tourist Camp has been bringing his “clients” from Mombasa for Sport hunting, probably at a fee. However, the junior staff who are fed on this meat were not very happy on this illegal business and blown him up. He was arrested with six Impala and two pistols. Three more gun were recovered after Police searched his Camp. Some of the meat had already been transported to Mombasa. The case is up for hearing tomorrow and I will keep you posted on this development."

I stay in Tsavo East twice a year and have never heard gunshots - just peace and quiet. Tsavo is indeed the jewel of Kenya that most tourists have yet to discover. However, I do know that there is a real bushmeat problem. Daphne Sheldrick has seven desnaring teams in Tsavo just lifting snares and working closely with KWS.

The disturbing thing about Tsavo is one never sees a KWS ranger. I know some are there undercover, but an obvious patrol through the park might help deter people from snaring, poaching, keeping cattle out and even for bad drivers of tourist vans.