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increased poaching within the massai mara reserve

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics increased poaching within the massai mara reserve

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increased poaching within the massai mara reserve

Link to this post 06 Feb 08 has got a donation feature in order to support the massai mara anti-poaching units because the poaching has increased within the tourist-empty massai mara and there is no money left in order to support these units.

WAIT WAIT WAIT a second............................and start thinking you lodge and camp owners! wake up before it's too late! not only for the animal's sake! it's for your very own purpose!

the wildlife in the MM is your precious assets! without all the wildlife nobody would think off travelling to the massai mara! that means if you lodge and camp owners want to support your very own business for your very own inrease in wealth - pls take care of your assets!

i am really pissed of by this donation request! why should i give my money to an organisation which obviously must take care of rich peoples business????

Link to this post 06 Feb 08

Pippa, I think you also need to remember that the lodge and camp owners are investors and have millions at stake. Lets take the permananent camp/lodge owners. They have taken out huge loans to build these properites so that the toursits can enjoy the facilites and beauty of Masai Mara. Today, most cannot pay bank loans, staff salaries or even the maintenance of their camps/lodges. Many have shut down, sent their staff home and are using their own savings, whatever amount it may be to keep servicing the loans. SOme though are continuing to provide whatever little support they can to the park management duirng this difficult time. On the other hand, you have the private small camps (no lodges in this category) usually owned by the famous Karen Cowboys and wealthy foreigners looking to make a few extra thousand dollars. They set up temporary camps in temporary campsite but remain open all year. MAny of these camps are reviewed on this website and many of you frequesnt these camps regularly. THeir investment is minimal and they shout loudest about conservation and protection. No doubt they get involved when the going is good. SOme, under teh umbrealla of conservation projects charge large amounts of money to accommodate guests but do not disclose this to the authorities nor do they pay the required bed nights or dues to the authorities. And what about now? What are they doing now? NOTHING!! They have packed up their camps, brought them back to their backyards for safe keeping and continue their regular jobs. They couldn't careless at this point. You don't see them activiely participating in any of the peace or conseravtion efforts.

Pippa, while i understand your frustrations, you need to understand the toursim industry and the players. There is a lot that happens that you as a tourist are not aware of. The donations requested are for a genuine cause. Maybe if we didn't have so much dishonesty amongst certain players in the industry the park authorities would be able to care more for it when things.

To all my fellow bushdrumers, like in every country there is more than what meets the eye. And before you start making judgements try to see all angles - you may find you have a better understanding of Kenya and the tourism industry.

Link to this post 06 Feb 08


i agree with some of your arguments. but some are a bit strange...................

70-80 % of the money paid by tourists for their camp nights don't stay in kenyan bank accounts: they get - if the hit the kenyan accounts at all! - straight transferred into foreign accounts!

here the government needs to implement some rules which make them responsible for caring about their assets!

the millions of investment you mention: it cannot be for tents/hardware and infrastructure alone! it must include some other costs like land lease etc. so they money goes into some kenyan pockets!

anyway - doesn't matter from which ankle one sees it and how many facetts will be considered: the money is there for these anti poaching units. but the people who have got the money obviously don't care!
that is the point i am making!

Link to this post 09 Feb 08

The tourism industry in Kenya is a lot more complicated than people realise. Yes, there are land lease payments etc, but is that to? It is not to the government for the most part as the number of official camps within the boundaries of the mara aren't that many. Most of the camps around the mara lease the land from the local people. The monies paid to them to towards sustaining their villages and improving the basic services within their areas. Given that this is the only sourse of income for these nomadic people, we cannot expect them to be worrying about conservation adn poaching when they are just trying to live. The Masai people are nto farmers and the areas they live in are not conducive to farming either. Therefore the lease money goes towards their daily livilhood.
Having watched a documentary on paoching just last night, I also commend the KWS and the KEnyan authorities for recognising this problem and taking a stand on it. Unlike the governments of SOuthern Africa, Kenya does not take to poaching lightly and strongly opposed the lightening of the CITES ban last year. Contrary to what people may think, they are actually trying to ensure the safety of their wildlife and protect this vital industry. Given that their source of income is almost completely non-existant, you can't really blame them for asking for help. And like all other NGO's the majority goes towards "administration" costs and only a fraction trickles down to the actual cause. The Kenyan authorities are good students - they learn well and you can't blame them for copying what the rest of the world does!

Link to this post 10 Feb 08

Some very valid points here on both sides. One that Pippa is trying to point at is most obvious in the Masai Mara. The community(ies) has been receiving millions of dollars as park entrance fees. This money is an income for leaving the land to wildlife rather than using it for their cattle - a deal made some decades ago. All these years the community has pocketed this money and it is quite a lot. Impossible to have spent it all. It must be out there in some bank account. Now that times are rough, these sources should be accessed, not the pockets of animal lovers.

Taz, I agree with you that we promote quite a few of these enterprises that have been making big money without caring much. Maybe now is the best time to pick out the "rotten apples". It is the aim of Bushdrums to promote those who really care. In fact, Nico and I will set up a letter and ask for lodges and camps to provide us with details on what they are doing to protect wildlife. Companies that have closed down now - or are simply not bothered to reply to such written letters during such times - probably don't deserve promotion.

I am still a bit busy catching up with a couple of things but I am looking forward to make some changes.

Will keep you informed on the progress.

Link to this post 12 Feb 08

I understand the point being made about the park fees. Unfortuantely, it doesn't go to teh communities as much as tourists think. The park fees are collected by a government agency, if thats how we can best describe them - the KWS. They in turn are supposed to care for the park, the roads leading upto and within the park, and of course help create sustainable projects for the communities around. Howver, there is very little people see in terms of improvement or facilites provided for by the KWS. That's not to say they aren't doing anything - just that they aren't doing enough. And in a country where corruption is reaching new highs again, despite the promises of change and all, donations are all our wildlife can rely on. Its sad, but its a fact. Donations are the most stable forms of income to sustain the communities and the wildlife. There are some lodges & camps that are trying but very few are truly commited to continuing their work when times are bad. But that's Kenya and our world as a whole. We only remember those in need when we can afford to, not when they truly need our help. That is the reality here!

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics increased poaching within the massai mara reserve