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Anyone know anything about growing chillies?

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Internal Anyone know anything about growing chillies?

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Anyone know anything about growing chillies?

Link to this post 26 Jun 07

Jan - when will you be in the Kimana area again?

Link to this post 26 Jun 07


I'll be in Amboseli from July 30th thru August 5th, then on the 6th I take the charter flight to Tsavo East for hopefully an awsome nine days at Satao Camp.

On one of the days I'm at Amboseli I'll be going to the new Elerai Camp in Kimana to see it in the finished state. They plan on officially opening August 1st.

Link to this post 27 Jun 07

I may be there in November - TBC for work.
9 days at Satao Camp - what a dream. I will be with you in Spirit!

Link to this post 10 Jul 07

The seeds are on the way!!! I've ordered 400 tabasco seeds (moderately hot), 200 red habaneros (extremely hot), 200 Caribbean red (extremely hot) and Rocoto (which grows well at high altitudes) seeds. That should be enough to start all the folks in Kimana and the Serena area off on chilli repellants. Just hope I don't end up arrested for trying to help in the human-wildlife conflict! Keep your fingers crossed please. If this is successful and there are excess chillies, perhaps they could be sold to restaurants/lodges. I know here, there are many people who love HOT, HOT chillies both for cooking and to eat plain.

Link to this post 10 Jul 07

This is a great story Jan - I really want to follow the Jan & Chilli Adventure -

Link to this post 11 Jul 07

My knowledge of the topic is based on some readings a few years ago when the idea first was researched in Zambia (I think?)...There were mixed results and some elephant seemed to avoid it but others did not even waiver at the thought of crashing through a chillie fence to get to the palatable maize! Very often, even electric fences won't keep elephants from crashing through.....Its worth a try though.

What are dung bombs??

So far, all sorts of deterrents such as fireworks, cap guns, etc have only been efficient to scare ele away from raiding shambas for a while until they quickly learn that they just make a "bang" but don't "bite"! I doubt there is a definitive method of keeping shamba raiders at bay!

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Internal Anyone know anything about growing chillies?