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Paranoid suspicions justified?

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Paranoid suspicions justified?

Link to this post 05 Jun 07

This is from the help page

Ivory: This area is complex, and sellers should consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and their state wildlife regulatory agency to ensure that the particular item involved may lawfully be sold. Generally, ivory from African elephants may be sold within the United States as long as it was lawfully imported into the United States. Wooly mammoth ivory may be sold inside or outside the United States. Hippo ivory may be sold within the United States, but may not lawfully be imported into the United States, but may only be imported/exported in compliance with CITES.

I love a bone to chew on........So to speak!

Link to this post 05 Jun 07

[URL=]Of interest[/URL]

Link to this post 05 Jun 07

At least no poaching involved in this one

Link to this post 05 Jun 07

I can remember as a young man of about 17 years looking in awe into the carving show rooms & workshops of Hong Kong.
I still admire the craftsmanship but ivory looks far better as nature intended!

Link to this post 05 Jun 07


I haven't even starting real investigating yet, but right away I came up with:

Note says:

This is a hand knotted and well strung elephant ivory round beads necklace with a 1 1/4" super size ivory screw clasp. It is strung with 27 pieces hand carved 18mm and along with 2 pieces of 10mm good ivory round bead. This ivory beads necklace has never been worn, and is in excellent condition. This necklace was imported legally with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service permit number LE671905-0 prior June 1989 before the ban. Different lengths are available by request. Please see our other items on ebay, thanks for looking.

The bidding starts at $425.00.

If I have time after posting any news articles I'll go into help as you did and see if I can find out anything interesting.

Link to this post 05 Jun 07

Jan, as kipper stated earlier (on page one of this thread) the regulations for ivory seem a bit different in the USA. To be honest I can not determine if this item is now legal or not just because it was imported before the law was introduced. Any ideas how we can get this clarified?

Jan, in this case it clearly states the permit number, so this one seems to be legal.

I just came across this website www dot cuecomponents dot com/elivco.html which is shocking but obviously absolutely legal.

Please replace the word "dot" with a . I do not wish to promote the website with a link.

- Edited by Carsten on 11.06.2007, 15:05 -

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