International Fund for Animal Welfare | May 18, 2007
Tell eBay to stop all ivory auctions
Download the results of IFAW’s eBay investigation:
Bidding for Extinction.
Dear Janet,
Did you know that thousands of animal and wildlife products made from endangered species are bought and sold over the Internet every day?
IFAW investigations have uncovered some shocking wildlife offers online: wild leather and fur handbags, shoes and clothes from endangered reptiles, rhinoceros horn trophies, an alarming number of items made from ivory and much more.
As the largest Internet marketplace for ivory sales, eBay is directly and indirectly assisting the illegal trade in wildlife as well as the poachers who create it.
Demand that eBay end illegal wildlife offers from its auction sites immediately
Increasingly, illegal wildlife products are distributed online as the means by which the illicit trade in wildlife is conducted. This enables illegal trade at tremendous speeds to go completely unchecked: a trade so great that it is now estimated to be second only to illegal trafficking in drugs and weapons.
IFAW recently conducted an in-depth survey of ivory products for sale on eBay. During a one week investigation of eight eBay sites, a whopping 2,275 ivory items were found. More than 94% of these ivory items did not comply with eBay’s own stated standards and the remaining 6% were most likely illegal.
There is no single, well-defined, consistent global eBay policy governing the listing of ivory on its various national web sites. Each national eBay site has its own rules, almost all of which are vague. Illegal items taken down in one country can easily be reposted or accessed on another eBay country website.
Fueling the poaching of elephants in Africa and Asia
The illegal wildlife trade is a lucrative business for poachers that encourages them to kill more animals. More than 20,000 elephants are killed annually today to supply these illegal ivory markets. Although much of this ivory is still sold through traditional markets, the killing won’t stop until the vast online outlets for ivory are shut down.
As the largest seller of illegal ivory on the Internet, eBay needs to ban sales of ivory globally on all its sites and strictly enforce such a ban. The trade in ivory is cruel and unsustainable. eBay must take action to ensure it plays no part in this ongoing tragedy for elephants.
eBay has expressed its commitment to a global policy on the ivory trade and a willingness to work closely with IFAW on drafting such a policy and its enforcement. But words are not enough.
Please take a moment to send a letter to eBay corporate headquarters urging e-Bay to enforce a complete global ban on ivory sales.
Thank you for speaking out,
Fred O’Regan
President and CEO
P.S. eBay must accept responsibility for the impact that trade in wild animal products on its sites is having on the world’s wildlife. Please tell eBay in your own words why allowing the sale of illegal wildlife products is wrong.
(If you will go to the IFAW website there is a petition letter you can submit your name to that will go directly to eBay. I also added the request that bone and coral products also be stopped).