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park fees increase for masai mara from 01.july 2008

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Internal park fees increase for masai mara from 01.july 2008

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park fees increase for masai mara from 01.july 2008

Link to this post 24 Apr 07

from 01 july 2008 the park fee for MM increases from 40US$ to 60US$!!!
criss crossing districts and reserve leads to double/triple/quadrouple fees depending on commuting....

Link to this post 24 Apr 07

remembering the road conditions during the rainy season dec/jan which made it almost impossible to travel the mm and surrounding districts this sounds to me like "highwayman" system just to cash in.

a camp night in a moderatly priced camp which is apperox. 270US plus parkfees might add up to almost 400US$.
in the end this might become very good for the environment especially the cats because this will hopefully lead to decreased number of guests!

Link to this post 25 Apr 07

Its about time that the Masaai mara rid itself of the tag as a Mass tourism destination anyway.

Link to this post 25 Apr 07

i couldn't agree more!
yepp - as far as i recollect it's the very first time

Link to this post 26 Apr 07

I agree for the sake of the animals but I disagree that high prices are the way to limit the masses of tourists.

It could also be limited by only allowing a certain amount of visitors into the park each day.

In the future, a workers familiy with 2 kids will only be able to see wildlife in a zoo

Link to this post 26 Apr 07

I'm with Carsten on that one!
The way prices are going we think that our next trip in October may have to be our last to Africa.
Prices are just within our reach that we can afford now.
A further rise in airfares & Safari fees will take the costs beyond our pocket

Sorry to mention India again but the amount of vehicles allowed into the forests are limited.
Ranthambhore I believe 12 jeeps & 2 Canters. The Canters, 24? seat open top vehicle, because of their size are restricted to the main tracks through the forests.
Each vehicle is also given an area, this avoids harassment of the animals.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Internal park fees increase for masai mara from 01.july 2008