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Church opposes education on sex

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Church opposes education on sex

Link to this post 12 Mar 07

Church opposes education on sex

By Moses Njagih

The Catholic Church has opposed the planned introduction of sex education in the schools’ curriculum.

The church voiced concern over the ongoing talks to introduce sex education in the current system of education as a way of curbing immorality, which is rife among the youth.

The church’s top organ, the Kenya Episcopal Conference, said the introduction of sex education was not the remedy to the deteriorating moral standards.

The conference chairman, Archbishop John Njue, said on the contrary, sex education may increase the immoral behaviour among the youth.

After the recent shocking statistics, which showed increased moral decay among the youth, some stakeholders have been fronting the introduction of sex education in schools’ curriculum as a measure to curb the rot.

But the Catholic Church said it was opposed to sex education in learning institutions and rubbished it as the solution to the problem.

Njue called for concerted efforts, especially among parents and teachers, to reverse the trend. He was speaking at Mweiga Secondary School in Kieni where he was the guest of honour during a harambee in aid of the institution.

The area MP, Dr Chris Murungaru, also attended the function.

On politics, Njue once again lashed out at the current crop of politicians, who he termed as selfish and insensitive to the needs of the electorate.

He said this was clearly manifested in the wrangles that keep rocking political parties.

Link to this post 12 Mar 07

This catholic church is driving me up the wall with their attitude towards sex

Are they living behind the moon in order not to see the fatal situation? How can they be so ignorant about the existing problems with HIV and overpopulation, especially in Africa? If not elucidation, what else can reduce these problems? Prayers??

Link to this post 12 Mar 07

carsten, there are topics around you are just wasting time to change ones attitude. religion, and catolicism in particularm is one of them besides so many more
just face it and their stubborness and quit. eveything else is wast of energy and time!

Link to this post 12 Mar 07

generally speaking you are right, pippa, but there we are looking for solutions for wildlife-human conflicts partially caused by overpopulation and then the catholics come along and work against it

Link to this post 13 Mar 07

carsten, catholics in particular are focussed on keeping people constantly in fear or wrong doing. that's part of their strategy to keep them obedient! as long as there is no change in rome towards a church which copes with nowadays problems nothing is going to change!

Link to this post 13 Mar 07

True. I was hoping to see a change of direction with the new Pope, but so far I don't see anything.

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