a small pack of wilddogs made the mara ecosystem their new home on 15 nov. 2006!
as i just learned from saruni camp 2 male and 1 female dogs were seen mid nov. near the oliopa dam! after 20 years of absence the wilddogs are back!!!
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wilddogs are back in the mara ecosystem

Excellent news! Do you know if they have been sighted after that? Have they made the Mara their home or were they just passing by? In the Heritage Hotels newsletter of 27 November I read this: “Three wild dogs were seen last week on the Aitong Plains – a sign that this rare and enigmatic predator may be making a welcome return to the Mara. We join local conservationists in praying that these members of this highly social and greatly misunderstood species will be allowed to establish themselves in their former stronghold on the Mara plains.â€
There was a sighting of a very small pack about a year ago as well. Then nothing more was heard – at least not by me. The members of the last Mara pack died in 1989.
BTW, I saw a pack of 7 dogs in Samburu in June 2005. :-O

dear nyamera
as far as i understood they have been seen on a regular basis for the past weeks!
but by the way:
when we travelled the aitong plains in late aug. 06 our guide briefly saw what he thought must have been a wilddog. because we searched but found no trace we asked him to describe what he just saw and his answer was "a wilddog respectively something with a white tip tail" and he smiled from one ear to the other
as soon as i get further information i'll post!

Yes they have been seen again. I met someone in Meru who'd stayed at Saruni three weeks ago and they'd been seen while she was there.

After being away for over a week from Bushdrums - best news to read that Wild Dogs are back in the Mara but personally have not seen any yet.
Good news to start 2007.
I will be in the area again for work in March and will hopefully get 1st hand news if not vision.