Thank you very much - I am still in dream lane as it is not until December this year; but for me it is going back home as I was born there and grew up between the foot hills of Kilimanjaro - Amboseli and the Mara. My grandfather and father were always in the bush (dad until 4 years ago)! I took my kids the 1st time at the age of 18 months into the bush and they love it just as much as I do (Thank goodness) and have been back several times since. I just feel sad that it has changed so much over the years for the worse but for me Kenya is still very much home - although I do not live there anymore.... for now.....
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Campsite raided in Masai Mara conservation area

Cody, knowing you as I do, I think it would be difficult for you to make Kenya your home again--you have way too many interests and talents. Maybe a second home for a few months each year or something like that--then we could visit you in Italy and Kenya. Yes, why not do that? We'd love it. Your kids and Casey could learn swahili and be tri-lingual. The more I think of this, the more I like it.

Jane - you are getting to know me too well!
You are correct - it will be very hard for me to get away from here (which is a place I love anyway as you know) - howvert your idea is one I like.
Every time I go back I have this urge to look at sights and think - maybe some day I can do S.A. (your home in Italy) but make it your home in Kenya.... It is a dream but hey - its costs nothing to dream so why not?