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Elephants! Do Not try this at home!

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Elephants! Do Not try this at home!

Link to this post 18 Jun 10

For Jan & all elephant fans!

[URL=]Elephants at Somalisa Bush Camp[/URL]

Link to this post 19 Jun 10

You're a brave guy Kipper!!! Did you take it from a hide or was there nothing between you and them?

Link to this post 19 Jun 10

The clips were heavily edited to make an interesting video.
Here's the full story!

When Somalisa tented camp was set up a small decked area & a plungepool were the only "Semi Permanent" structures built, this really is an eco friendly camp.
A pump was installed not only for the pool but also to feed the camp water hole, I do not think any guest has ever had a chance to cool off in the 4X5 metre pool. (Pool size is my guess)
The pump is normally switched off when guests are in camp because of the Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! of the Lister powered pump.
A number of the water holes in the area had dried & the animals were traveling miles for water.
We requested the pump be started to supply water to the water hole.
Within minutes of the engine being started the first elephants arrived within an hour we were surrounded the water hole was again a mud bath.
The only fresh water was the trickle into the bottom of pool.
Once they had overcome their fear of me I managed to capture this video.
I had therefore a 2 metre deep 4 metre wide chasm between us.

Their need for fresh water was their driving force & not to do me harm! I also had Benson to guide & advise me..... He was sat in the bottom of the pool taking stills!!!

If there is one thing I have learned over the years is to let the animals come to you. Work out where they want to go & put yourself there they then have the choice if they then come to you they are the ones intruding on your space, not you on theirs!

Link to this post 19 Jun 10

Sounds like a great experience!!!

Link to this post 20 Jun 10

Taken from the original video!


[b]No Kippers were hurt in the making of this video[/b]

- Edited by kipper on 20.06.2010, 14:02 -

Link to this post 21 Jun 10

This was the one you spoke about over dinner at home - good filming Kipper.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Elephants! Do Not try this at home!