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transfers in nairobi and mombasa

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transfers in nairobi and mombasa

Link to this post 24 Nov 06

instead fo paying the dmc's a fortune for organised transfers airport-hotel-airport etc. one can easily hire a taxi far in advance from KENATCO taxis. they will give you the exact amount for each leg in KSh. you can even order the taxi for citytours, nairobi np visit, sheldrick foundation, nature walk or shopping and restaurant visits etc.
let's say you need transport airport-hotel, hotel-restaurant-hotel: they give you the fare for each leg but you pay at the end of the day! and "your driver" stays with you as long as you want! you get his mobile number so that you can reach him at every minute! it's just fantastic!
even if you don't want to change into kenyan currency because you have only a short stop over there: they will give you the equivalent in € or US$ - but you have to ask for this!
when you arrive at the airport there will be "your" driver waiting for you holding your name plate! absolutely no fuss!!!
theyx charged us 1200 Ksh for the ride intl. airport-norfolk. a dmc like abercrombie+kent would have charged 45US$!!!
jou just have to tell kenneth what you expect!
they also have an office in mombasa!

of course there are other official taxi companies - but we had great experiences with KENATCO!


Link to this post 28 Nov 06

Totally correct - I would suggest you get a fixed price set before you enter the taxi so you do not have any surpices at the other end.
I would suggest Kenatco as well.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information FAQs for your trip to Africa transfers in nairobi and mombasa