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Kenya would need at least Sh210 billion (US$ 3 billion) a year to combat climate

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Political Topics Kenya would need at least Sh210 billion (US$ 3 billion) a year to combat climate

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Kenya would need at least Sh210 billion (US$ 3 billion) a year to combat climate

Link to this post 27 Mar 10

Sh210 billion needed for climate change, Raila tells donors

By Athman Amran

Kenya would need at least Sh210 billion (US$ 3 billion) a year to combat climate change, Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said.

He said the country would like a share of the $30 billion set aside for developing countries at the Copenhagen meeting on Climate Change held last December.

Raila spoke during a briefing on pre-identification of climate change between the Government, French development agency, DFD, Britain’s DfID and Japan’s Jica at the Treasury in Nairobi. French, British and Japanese diplomats attended the briefing.

Raila said the Government budget was restrained as it is going towards infrastructure, the forthcoming referendum and security.

The PM added that the pre-identification stage was critical, as it would inform the Government on the best steps to take to combat climate change.

"This was an opportune time for the initiative as drought and floods have been ravaging the country," Raila said.

He said those criticising the Mau Forest evictions had now realised that afforestation was part of the solution to combating climate change.

"Mau is a drop in the ocean. It is just part of the problem," he said.

The PM assured donors that their money for climate change would be spent transparently.

"We are now going to deal with corruption head on and the war should be fought from top to bottom," Raila said.

Environmental problems

Environment Minister John Michuki said his ministry had produced a document with the Unep to outline environmental problems and priorities in tackling them.

The document, The Atlas of Our Changing Environment points out problems like the destruction of water towers, depletion of forests and degradation of land and sea.

"The subject of climate change and environment requires that there should be priorities in tackling the problem," Mr Michuki said.

Among the priorities, Michuki said was the planting of trees, water harvesting and ensuring soil erosion is contained.

He, however, told donors that Kenya lacked personnel and resources to tackle the problems.

Michuki said his ministry has programmes to tackle climate change but said those who wished to assist should work within the country’s policies.

"There are many bodies dealing with one thing. If you go to NGOs instead of working with Government you lose the priorities," Michuki said.

Michuki said there are 35,000 primary and secondary schools, which could be involved in growing seedlings in their compounds.

"This would require Sh100,000 per school. You produce Sh3.5 billion and see what we can do. We do not need technical papers and meeting with donors anymore. We have talked for years. It is time for action," Michuki said.

He said local authorities, women, and youth groups could be used to change the face of the country.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Political Topics Kenya would need at least Sh210 billion (US$ 3 billion) a year to combat climate