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BBC report. Northern White Rhino

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BBC report. Northern White Rhino

Link to this post 21 Dec 09

Desperate bid to save rare rhinos

Four rare Northern White rhinos have been flown from a Czech zoo to Kenya, in a desperate attempt to save the species from extinction.

Animal experts hope the rhinos - two males and two females - will breed in their natural habitat in Africa.

Only eight Northern White rhinos are known to survive worldwide, all of them in captivity: six in the Czech Republic and two in the US.

The last four living in the wild in Africa have not been seen since 2006.

'Dangerous' plan

On Sunday, the four rhinos from the Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic were packed into crates and loaded onto a Boeing 747 bound for the Ol Pejeta reserve in central Kenya as part of the "Last Chance to Survive" project.

“ Moving them [the rhinos] now is a last-bid effort to save them and their gene pool from total extinction ”
Rob Brett, IUCN

"We plan to give the remaining individuals with breeding potential their last chance of normal and regular reproduction in a secure location in the wild," said zoo director Dana Holeckova.

Rob Brett, member of the African Rhino Specialist group at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), said: "Moving them now is a last-bid effort to save them and their gene pool from total extinction."

"They are listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and are thought to be extinct in the wild," he added.

Attempts at Dvur Kralove to breed the animals have produced just one offspring in 10 years: a female rhino was born in 2000 and later dubbed the zoo's "millennium child".

It is now hoped that returning the rhinos to their natural habitat in Kenya will make the females more fertile and the males more interested.

However, the European Association of Zoos (EAZA) has expressed concerns that years in captivity makes the undertaking dangerous and unpredictable, the BBC's Rob Cameron in Prague says.

Defenders of the plan reject that, saying they believe the animals' genetic memory will quickly take over, our correspondent adds.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2009/12/20 12:56:38 GMT


Link to this post 22 Dec 09

Lets hope for the best - ....

Link to this post 26 Dec 09

The same as Cody..................Hopefully they get protected very weill. Chinese are just around the corner baksheeshing the Mombasa port personnel

Link to this post 27 Dec 09

Let us hope and pray that these rhino can be protected and that in the future they may reproduce.

I had an email this morning from a former Kenya wildlife warden who stated, "We did a census in 1967 of Tsavo, both East and West, and the total count re: rhinos were 8000 animals". I've been to Tsavo 16 times and have never seen a rhino there, though I read one was killed there about a month ago. It is a crying shame that there were so many 40 years ago but now they are almost extinct. We humans are a disgusting lot aren't we?

Link to this post 27 Dec 09

I just uploaded a link to an American Travel Agent who WARNS against Kenyan safaris due to wildlife decline.

It's all such a shame!

I feel so helpless and angry

Link to this post 29 Dec 09

I sometimes wonder if the political leaders are actually informed of what happens - or are they just so ingnorant? This can only do harm to the future of the country and the current economic system? They loose money as well - as that is all they are interested in anyway... so they must also be stupid?

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