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Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes

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Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes

Link to this post 12 Oct 09


A short story of my encounter with a Baboon Spider (similar to the tarantula): I was going back to my tent after dinner one night at Tortillis Camp in Amboseli, Kenya...and on the path in front of me was a Baboon Spider about the size of a small pizza! I was, ironically, walking with the famous Baboon (monkey) biologist, Shirley Strum. It wouldn't budge and I didn't want to hurt it, so after looking at it with fascination and dread for a few minutes... I stamped my foot, thinking it would run away. Instead it ran straight for me at a furious pace...."oh, yes" Shirley said, calmly, "they're ambush predators and they run toward vibrations on the ground to get their prey".

So, if you see this giant spider - don't stamp your feet! Tip toe around it!

Actually spiders make very nice pets - they are clean and quiet, and a lot less maintenance than a cat or dog!

Link to this post 13 Oct 09

Cedrik will agree with you Kat. and infor for Pippa....

Link to this post 13 Oct 09

Oh Kat - you certainly know how often I have been told spiders - well most of them - are harmless creatures which are essential to keep the insect balance in tact. I can leterally sing it but forget about it as soon as I see one of these giants.

The story you are telling regarding the baboon spider (I saw a "baby" baboon spider in Madikw which already was the size of a kid's hand!) alone makes me freak out. SHIVERING! I most certainly would have gotten the whole of Tortilis together to "safe" me. If it runs away - fine. But running towards me - not to think of my behaviour.......

And of course Cedric will also laugh at me.

Tarantuals in Mexico - they (red knee tarantula or "mexican reds" how the Americans call then) were so elegantly walking the road that I put my hand close to it to get the size right for the pic. But somehow these black huge and fast running creatures just make me go insane.

Have you heard of the "kalahari ferrari"? These are brown-is kind of spiders which run after light at night holding their first 2 legs/arms/claws up while running. We had them in Zambia. UNBELIEVABLE creatures. They fight scorpions! We were told they also don't harm IF you don't step on them or corner them. But frankly - I am not sure whether these spiders know that

I am far more relaxed with scorpions. That's the reason I am sure that the whole phobia is maybe based on fear my mother planted right from the beginning and yes - lack of education!.

BUT I promise: Next time I try to behave more mature

Link to this post 13 Oct 09

Yes, Pippa, the "Kalahari Ferrari" is the adoring nickname used in Botswana for the Baboon Spider - they are one and the same. The big, brown, hairy beasts are called "baboon" because of those two front legs that they use to catch their prey look like the arms of a baboon!

Check out the photos and info on these strange (I'm sure they say the same about us) critters on the above website. Enjoy!

Link to this post 13 Oct 09

That's indeed interesting Kat! Thank you! so both spiders were actually from the same family but different in colour and also the black one was more - how shall i put it? - bold. The brown one in Zambia was just running like mad after the light

Again - thank you! Also for the link as i love to read about them, but just read

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes