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Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes

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Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes

Link to this post 27 Sep 09

Chilly Reception For Snakes Diven Into Kenyan Homes

September 25, 2009

Wildlife Direct and other conservation organizations are uring Kenyans not to kill snakes driven into their homes by a spate of cold weather.Kenyan wildlife experts are advising residents not to kill the snakes that are being driven into their homes due to a recent stretch of cold weather.

The chill has accompanied a protracted drought across the equatorial East African nation, sending the reptiles into people’s kitchens and bedrooms.

"We appeal to people not to consider all snakes enemies. They are suffering from cold weather the way we are," said National Museums of Kenya Snake Park curator Rashid Kaka.

He told the Daily Nation that the snakes are almost entirely harmless, and could be kept as pets.

That’s not likely to become a very popular hobby due to many people’s revulsion at seeing them and the long-held belief that keeping snakes is a form of witchcraft.

“When I see a snake, I see a grave,” said Nairobi resident Josephine Ong’ayo. “I either flee or kill it.”

Article at:

Link to this post 28 Sep 09

Mmmmmm..... I think we need Jan's opinion on this one..

Link to this post 29 Sep 09

Cody: You notice I kept my mouth shut for awhile about this story. I know Kat will like the story as she loves snakes and hates to have any of them killed.

I personally have never seen a harmless garden snake in Kenya though I am sure there are millions of them. My concern about KWS advising to leave them alone is that not all people know how to correctly identify snakes. We had a guest in camp last month who said he had been bitten by a black mamba two days prior and was on crutches (no-one identified the snake except the tourist). If it was a dry bite, then I can see him up walking around with crutches. However, if it wasn't a dry bite, he would have needed a lot of antivenin and wouldn't be out on safari two days after. I am just afraid that someone might think a dangerous snake was harmless and pay the price for it.

I have seen only the very nasty ones, black and green mambas, cobras, puff adders, Ash cobras and link-mark snakes, and I would hate to think people will allow them to remain in their houses.

Link to this post 29 Sep 09

Hi Jan, you knew I'd have to put my two cents in about my lovely snake friends!

In my experiences in Kenya and other African nations, people tend to say every snakes is venomous....every snake is called a Black or Green Mamba, or a Cobra, et al. The poor snake is usually a completely harmless one that only vaguely resembles a venomous one, say, in color.

Even in Satao Camp I have been told a harmless House Snake was a Black Mamba. When I picked it up and held it gently in my hands, the staff then begins to understand that it was misrepresented.

Every snake identified as a Black Mamba or other dangerous snake and killed by staff at The Driftwood Club in Malindi also had turned out to be harmless Grass Snakes, House Snakes, Mole Snakes, et al.

95% of all snakes in Kenya are completely harmless to humans but keep vermin (rodents) in check. I hate to see any animal killed but would not advise people to keep them as "pets".

Snakes need water to survive like any living thing and they are gravitating toward houses, shambas for the water, not the warmth. They thermoregulate their bodies in the sun and then duck down a hole or under bushes to cool down as they can easily overheat and die. The drought is driving all living things to operate outside of their normal activities and comfort zones.

Link to this post 29 Sep 09

Kat: I figured I could get you to jump in on this one. Glad for your expertise!

I just didn't think it wise to advise people to allow any snake to reside in their homes, as you agreed.

Great news this morning. Our favorite bull Ilingwesi is back and well after three months in the bush!

Link to this post 29 Sep 09

There you go - now we have both of you hocked on!

Like Kat - I have always enjoyed snakes. Since leaving Africa - I have got to know the local snakes we have here in the country side where we live and have come across types of vipers and several non poisonous snakes. I have taught my kids that they are not to be killed and are harmless and that if you treat them gently they will not bite at all even if you play with them.

In Kenya - or Africa it is down to education on what is poisonous and what is not. Unfortunately people are scared due to the fact that they hear all the stories of unfortunate death once bitten by a wrong snake.... however you all know about that.

As for the Mr walking around in crutches - he can really count is lucky stars that it was a dry bite and be walking after 2 days out of hospital. He can turn this story into a very positive one that shows that snakes will not bite for fun and at times will give a dry bite to sccare away or as a warning as they will only bite if they have to eat or protect themselves as creating venum in most snakes requires them to use energy and of course fluids that need to be re generated.

Anyway - I always like to involve Jan in any snake story! Now I need to find one to work Pippa up...

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Chilly Reception for Snakes Driven into Kenyan Homes