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Got a spare Euro?

Link to this post 28 Jul 09

Hi Kipper -

Yes, Jackson is quite a celebrity and his father was also a famous tracker and before that a notorious poacher (hunter?) who was imprisoned for 8 years for poaching violations. That's a very long time, so he apparently was quite a busy fellow.

Jackson is also a member of CAMPFIRE LTD whose philosophy on wildlife is that it should "pay for itself" especially through trophy hunting animals like elephant, buffaloes, lions, kudu, et al.
They are continually lobbying the Kenyan government to lift the ban on hunting. In southern African countries like Zimbabwe and South Africa, CAMPFIRE LTD are currently slaughtering many of these animals.

Most of the Maasai I have talked to from sheepherders to chiefs basically believe that wildlife are vermin and that the big cats in particular should be eliminated altogether. I fervently hope that Jackson is one of the exceptions to that stereotype and truly does wish to protect them for the future. Let's hope for the best but also keep our eyes wide open!

Link to this post 30 Jul 09

must chime in again.

I must support Kat regarding the animal orphanage. It's the second worst place on earth - firest comes a whole in the ground. But I am not sure whether the whole would mean a short and final outcome. The orphanage means a safe but miserable life because these KWS guys don't consider any animal's desire for a some kind of natural life. Not the male lion, not the leopard nor the 3 cheetahs......I witnessed.

We (my husband and company) are not reluctant to donate for any good cause. But donating towards a cage in the orphanage is beyond us. And as Kat points out - what about the 560+ millions in parkfees/conservancy fees? Conservation? ZERO!

I think it's hightime that in Kenya some guys just change their attitude towards living creatures and also just stop asking for money all the time for the most insane reasons.

Let's be honest - a cage of the size the cheetah is living in right now doesn't cost a fortune. Not in Europe, America and particularly NOT in Kenya.

I am heavily doubting that donations are dealt with properly.

Sorry - I did not want to offend anybody - I am just miffed by the whole procedure. And I feel for the animals which have to live in the orphanage. All that drives me nuts.

Link to this post 01 Aug 09

Kat -

Apologies, that I am replying to this post a bit late.

Yes, I know the politics all too well - very sad... as I walked into the wildlife circle in Kenya four years ago, with a totally fresh view 'We are all here for the same reason - to save Kenya's wildlife' and trusted nearly everyone. I learned rather quickly, after the fact. Now, I keep fairly quiet and focus most of my energy exclusively on the cheetahs in one, well, not so small area of Kenya... (and whatever other animal in need that I may happen upon). Tsavo's home to sooo many beautiful but threatened species, as most of you already know. This area is also home to a small group of dedicated and supportive researchers / naturalists... I'm very lucky in that regard. I have found that there are still some individuals deemed trustworthy, aside from the cheetahs and other wildlife!

Currently, we are still focused on fundraising. It has been a competitive year - especially for new projects such as ours. Our main constraint is a project vehicle, or lack there of. I have personally rented vehicles for field work up until now, however with the intensive work we have planned, this is no longer practical. It's difficult enough to keep up with petrol costs.

That said, If anyone out there knows of someone in Kenya or who visits Kenya, with a 4 wheel drive vehicle, modest, but brave and efficient enough to endure the terrain and rains of Tsavo for three years, or would like to donate at any magnitude towards our project, please do have them contact me for more information. I should stress that all monies ( aside from a donated vehicle, of course) are chanelled through our affiliate, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) USA or UK, depending on the origin. And I am honored to have Dr. Laurie Marker, as my advisor for the study. She has also been very supportive.



Dear TsavoCheetah:

I was given info from several people who were adamant that they remain anonymous as they have to swim in the same political waters as everyone else. Getting people to be on-the-record is difficult as it could endanger their programs and, even, sometimes their lives when discussing controversial wildlife matters. So, I would never think of breaking my word - unless of course they gave the ok.

As you may have already found out - corruption is rampant in Kenya and in wildlife circles too.
You don't have to go far out on a limb before you hear the sound of the limb being sawed off!

I'm old and live in New York and therefore harmless to the powers that be. I can say what I please but most of my contacts in wildlife conservation in Kenya and elsewhere are constantly walking on eggshells - trying not to offend - trying not to rock the boat.

By the way, how is you project going? Any new revelations about cheetahs in Tsavo?

Cheers, Kat

Link to this post 02 Aug 09

Hi TsavoCheetah -

Why don't you have PM give me your email so I can see if I can help with vehicle rental/purchase.
Things like what type of vehicle you might require - for instance a Land Rover/Toyota Landcruiser or could you get by with a Suzuki? Don't want to get your hopes up but I could make a few inquires.

Can recommend a good 4x4 rental company in Nairobi. Perhaps they can make you a deal on long-term use.
