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Got a spare Euro?

Link to this post 27 Jul 09

Paula- I was confused by your statements "the funds were for a bigger enclosure in the Mara but since the KWS instructed her to go to Nairobi, she had a bigger enclosure there". Then what are the funds for?

"She (Miujisa) was to be relocated to the wild when she was in Jackson's and the ranger's care" (How in the world were they to accomplish that - as you already noted in your previous posting - captured cheetah cubs cannot be released in the wild. It would be like putting a 1-yr old human in a cage - feeding it but never teaching it to survive - then letting it free to lead a normal human life.)

"Jackson fought for her to stay in the Mara" in his cage....I still don't understand this or why someone who is a safari guide would think he could cage a cheetah. The only cages in the Mara (24 of them) belong to the "Cheetah Zoo" dudes.

I think I've beaten this subject to death. Please email me if you wish to chat further.
Good luck in finding M some greener pastures.

Link to this post 27 Jul 09

OK I will try to explain my statements.

1st statement - "the funds were for a bigger enclosure in the Mara but since the KWS instructed her to go to Nairobi, she had a bigger enclosure there" - She had a bigger enclosure there meaning she had a bigger enclosure being built in the orphanage with the funds raised.

2nd statement - "She (Miujisa) was to be relocated to the wild when she was in Jackson's and the ranger's care" - Jackson did explain in his blog a bit about what they would need to do to have any possibility of trying to let her live a life in the wild - After talking with more sources, he then understood that was not an option, and those who have gone into reserves, still need monitoring etc. I suppose he was just hoping there could be some way someone could help.

3rd Statement - "Jackson fought for her to stay in the Mara" This will be in connection with the above answer, it wasn't for her to be in the mara, in the "cage" they had put her in (which was temporary) or any cage for that matter - He hoped she would be as Wild as possible.
The "cage" was only built to keep her safe while it was being discussed what would happen next. He knew the KWS would take over, but he was trying to look at some way for her to live a more "wild" life. Perhaps in a reserve etc.

Quote from his blog:
"I have ask some advices from a fomer game warden of Tsavo national park and he will come to the mara to give the rangers more advice on how to look after Toto or make a decision where she should be taken for more care.
Mean while ranger Saning'o have build a small place for Toto a waiting the government authority where she will be take"

"With my check today we need to do more for her e.g a large area for to play and one dedicated man to take her out and show the land she was born in I think she miss it."

"I have talk to the senior warden in charge of the park about the possibility of introducing Miujisa back to the wild and she said the only place KWS will trust for introduction will be Meru national Park. The mara will not be an option at all too many larger predators any cheetah which have been hand read will not survive in the maasai mara.
I have accepted that all I now wish is your contact of who will be the people to work with outside Kenya to do some introduction of cheetahs like this one back home away from people if possible?.
I would wish to see our wild cat in the wild in africa unless they are not able to serve on there own and need our help."

All his intentions were for the best given the situation, and he hadn't just tried to go at it alone, he did contact many people to see what he could do. He realised that there wasn't a possibility for her to be released back into the wild, but we all have our hopes and dreams, sometimes its just not possible.

I know your completely exhausted with this subject so I will just leave it at that for now I havn't really helped explain it anyway, having confused you..

Link to this post 27 Jul 09


Thanks for your explanations. I was wondering if you knew the story of wildlife filmmaker, Simon King's attempt to hand raise two cheetah cubs, Sambu and Toki, and release them into the wild?
It's certainly a very instructive and fascinating documentary.

He hand-raised them for two years and tried teaching them to hunt and fend for themselves.

Shortly after their release at Lewa, Sambu was killed by lions and Toki was almost killed by three territorial male cheetah. Without the intervention of Simon and his team, Toki would have succumbed to this wounds.

He was relocated to Ol Pejeta Conservancy but started roaming outside the reserve into neighboring villages. Then he was put into a huge, fenced enclosure where he is faring well (

Link to this post 27 Jul 09

Hello to you all - very interesting and good to read what is really going on.

Just one small word of advice for your own privacy - please do not place your private e mail address on the forum as we do not wish for other people to see your private e mail or for internet spiders to find them and send you spam.
If you wish to send someone your private e mail - please send it to them via PM on this website.
If you do not know how to do this please ask and we will be happy to help.

Thank you and best wishes to you all

Link to this post 27 Jul 09

Thanks for the heads up on the email address. I attempted to delete it and apparently deleted the entire post...I am very computer illiterate. But that's ok nothing important lost!

Link to this post 27 Jul 09

Thanks Kat for your input on this topic.
Jackson came to the fore as a presenter to stand alongside Jonathan Scott & Simon King for the BBC's "Big Cat Live" program.
I'm sure the BBC were only interested in his knowledge, that he looked good in front of the cameras & he is a Massai.

Although I believe in this all is legal & above board I also believe it a good idea to take on board your note of warning.