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What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare

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What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare

Link to this post 01 Jul 09


Please do me a favor and ask your doctor to give you a prescription for an Epi-Pen.

My oldest son is terrificly allergic to bee and wasps stings and has always had an
Epi-pen on hand in case of anaphylaxis. It is epinephrine and can indeed save one's life until you are able to get to a hospital. See information at

Link to this post 01 Jul 09

Jan - you are such a nice lady! Thank you very much for the link and of course I take your advise seriously!
Thank you also for the link! I'll speak to the doctor!

Have a wonderful relaxing evening!

Link to this post 02 Jul 09

Thank you for this Jan.
My son is allergic to stings and will look into it.
It is SO dangerous what happened to you Pippa; if your air passage is blocked you can die.

Never drink coke, beer etc out of a can for such reasons as you do not see what is inside.

Also - do not drink coke and take headache or asperin tablets as there are some strange side effects.

Link to this post 05 Jul 09

Cody - I KNOW!

The beverage was in a glass..........and despite being terrified to swallow something not immediately related to human food - not to mention I'm a vegetarian sh$$ happens.

And yes - I was just hoping for the best

The LH doctors advise the flying staff that they should drink COKE in the tropics in order to kill minor germs so that they don't suffer Montezuma's revenge

Enjoy your you both are laying at the beach and smoke thick cigars.......but I guess you deserve it

Link to this post 18 Jul 09

We had a good time on the beach but it is Simba who manages to keep the bees, flies, ladies.... practically everything away with his massive locomotive clouds of smoke that gets blown at intervals from his mouth... when it is not occupied by his mix and fix of alcohol...

Link to this post 19 Jul 09

Cody: We had a good time on the beach but it is Simba who manages to keep the bees, flies, ladies.... practically everything away with his massive locomotive clouds of smoke that gets blown at intervals from his mouth... when it is not occupied by his mix and fix of alcohol...

Reminds me of a very crude English joke!

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare