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What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare

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What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare

Link to this post 22 Jun 09

What its like to be bitten by a Spitting Cobra!!..a serious night mare

Northern Frontier District | Date: Jun 20 2009 | By: milgistrust

You may be wondering ‘why the silence’, on my part… No blogs, but this ordeal ‘got’ to me thats for sure!!… Imagine this situation!!… Friday 5th June 9.30 pm, we are at Elkanto.. miles from nowhere.. We were meant be leaving on a dream safari to climb over the Ndoto Mountains… But it wasn’t to be.. Pete Ilsley, my partner and a trustee of the Milgis Trust, had just finished his open air shower, standing there drying his back, when he feels a tap on his leg, and then a second tap… Its full moon, but his leg is in the shadows, and he can’t see what it is, so he finds his torch, thinking it may be a big cricket or something else like that, thats landed on his leg!! Not a man to panic, as sometimes brushing things off your self can be more dangerous…. BUT Ha Ha… It was a five foot copper coloured collared spitting cobra, literally chewing on his leg…

A sight he will never forget!!.. Unbelievably frightening, he hit it hard with his towel twice before he let go… He shouted ‘Helen, Helen I’ve been bitten by a snake… ‘ By this time, I was fast a sleep, I was really tired… but the moment I saw the bite marks I knew there was no more sleep to be had, and that we had to move fast !!.. OUR NIGHT MARE HAD BEGUN!.. The most important thing is not to panic! … I was given some BLACK STONES 25 years ago, by a Belgian guy who came on safari… I have carried them on every single trip since then and never used them!….. So the first thing I did was cut through the bite marks to make them bleed, and stuck the black stone on both bites… Do they work?? We believe they do!! many people are divided, from absolutely NOT, don’t know, and they DO work… We are definitely in the ‘believe in them’ category, after what we went through!!.. All the Samburu ran to help, and we made a decision that we had to get to a hospital, AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE!.. So ten guys picked him up in a blanket, and headed down the mountain side to the vehicle… We wrapped the whole leg in crepe bandages to try to stem the flow of poison to the rest of the body… and we set off… The excruciating pain that followed, was like somebody peeling off his skin, and rubbing salt in… It is only 91.5 kms to Wamba Hospital, but it took us five and a half hours of hell, to get there…there is hardly a road to start with, and the part of the road that exists was badly washed away, in the last rains… Not this year!! Pete was complaining of unbelievable pain in his stomach, which we later found out was the poison [enzymes] literally digesting Pete’s insides… 3 am we eventually arrive and Pete tells me he can taste blood in his mouth… Wamba hospital can take full credit for saving Pete’s life, but it was a battle, also to get the pain under control, and eventually they ‘knocked him out’… Luckily he knew nothing until Sunday morning… But we had a very worrying Saturday…

I am so sad this has happened…I LOVE those snakes.. I have lived side by side with them all these years, why did this one get so angry. It was not cornered, was it chasing a mouse, or looking for water, or just crazy with humans, and all that we are doing to destroy our world?? I was born and brought up living in the bush, I enjoy it so much because it is not possible to get lonely, as there is always something around , be it a lizard, mouse, snake, bird, dikdik, cricket, scorpion, hyena, Genet cat what ever… all the beautiful things that live in the bush, and now I feel let down… Now every one tells me you can not live with snakes??… Two weeks later Pete is doing well.. sounds like hes a snake hater now!!.. and I don’t blame him.. He still has a very swollen foot, and who knows which way it will go, but amazingly no necrosis, which we were warned of… I think that was because of the BLACK STONE!

Article at:

Link to this post 30 Jun 09

that is scary!!!!! I was once stung by a whole nest of Wasps in Tsavo East National Park. the most painful part is not the is the anxiousness of whether the roads to the hospital will be drive-able!!!

Link to this post 30 Jun 09

Welcome aboard Kani, bitten by an adder as a youth, big swelling & throbbing pain but gone in a day!
Had an occasional sting but here is the funny part I have always been immune to mosquito bites, no swelling or itching, not even sure if I was ever bitten. Even walked through the swarms on Makgadikgadi Pan without a bite.

Then in Tanzania our camp was over run with little bees for two days, we had to leave the area to do everything only to return at night fall, I had over a hundred stings, it was impossible not to annoy the little blighter they got into your mouth, ears, inside your clothes.
Now I am bitten by? React to? mosquito bite terribly & have to dose myself with repellent!
Did all those bee stings use up my immunity?

Link to this post 30 Jun 09

I recon you are some hidden witch doctor Kipper.
Join the club - had a bite as well from an Adder when I was knee high to a grass hopper living in Tanzania at the age of 5.
Do not remember too much - only the blue walls and the ceiling fan in hospital and my left leg was brown and black.

It must have been a horrible time for you to live through such a few days as Cobra venum can react a lot quicker.

Link to this post 30 Jun 09

Knee high to a grass hopper Cody!......Hair?

Not sure of how many species of Adder there are it is a good while since serious injury from a bite here in the UK.
We were clearing reeds from our swimming pond, got a nip in my ankle, mates said they saw an adder, leg & thigh swelled & purple but next day back to near normal but still ached for a few days.

Link to this post 30 Jun 09


South Luangwa.............

I ALWAYS watch my glass! ALWAYS - well, except in SL!

I had a look into my glass of coke - regular coke! coke in order to kill the germs.....- before I put my Malarone into it. Got a sip and PING - there was the pain. Not dramatically. I opened my mouth, took the bee out, threw it to the floor and it was already dying. Kai killed it immediately. Then we got my mouth open like A HORSE to get the sting out. DONE! A couple if hours the fun began..........on my side (Kai had some really good laughs in the next 48 hours)
My mouth, means the lip, swell and swell till it had the size of a real horse lip: estimated 4 cm width and big like an apricot. I wore my face mask - thanks god I am always travelling with one for several reasons

first - on the plane to keep that part of the face moist and
secondly to not look like a fool when the mouth opens while falling asleep. I am always puzzled when I watch a fellow traveller looking pretty insane when the mouth opens..........
Thirdly I always sleep with a mask when there is no mosquito net because I am just terrified by the thought that there could be some creatures crawling into my mouth.
And now we got forthly: I could not confront other fellows with me looking like - I really don't know to what to compare my appearance.......It looked so strange. And I could hardly talk anymore - Kai found that part particularly appealing

2 doctors holidaying in Mfuwe (they belonged to doctors without frontiers and were working in Malawi) gave me antihistamine and told me IF my throat is going to close I should go to the nearest clinic - which was 1 1/2 hours on a plane away.

Okay - good - I was just waiting to die. But "pest plants" don't die easily and so nothing happened accept me looking really strange spending the remaining days there in our chalet.

When we flew home 5 days later it was still swollen.

Since then I am travelling with a good dose of cortison because I was told IF the first ever bee sting leads to an allergic reaction the following ones will be worse............

Needless to say that I now really thoroughly watch my glasses........

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics What Its Like to be Bitten by a Spitting Cobra! A Serious Nightmare