Us humans have always used wildlife - and the bigger the better or the more powerful the more we can impress people with what we have....
We do this in Zoo's - circuses - etc etc.
The other month I saw a man getting killed by a crocodile as he was doing a show; sorry to sound cruel however what does he expect?? You keep such a wonderful reptile in a small pond and play with it; good luck sooner or later he will snap at you.
Or a lion will kill a warden or zoo keeper - well, if I was placed in a cage with lots of people to look at me on a daily basis and have a wonderful sign on my cage stating "King of the Jungle" - I am sure I shall take my anger out on Mr cleaner when I have a chance to do so.
6 months ago there was a school outing and I took my daughter to a children large play area - in the afternoon was a visit to see the animals. My daughter who has being goig into the bush in Kenya since 18 months of age found it very strange to see every animal in a cage. Explain that to a child saying the truth - no it is not for showing or education people but for making money out of captured animals.
There was this polar bear that could not stop walking around his / hers little cage with some water inside. The look of his eyes were glazed and lost. How sad - really sad and I have no idea how any manager / owner of a company can be proud of owning / running such a place. What kind of satisfaction do you get from having such a company? We are strange people -