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Exciting day at Satao Camp!

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Exciting day at Satao Camp!

Link to this post 12 Apr 09

Thanks for the clarification, Jan... for I had not thought you were presently in Tsavo. I am glad to know of all the de-snaring efforts of the Daphne Sheldrick team. Cheetahs have certainly not been excluded amongst the deaths from these traps...

Dumb answer: I have no idea how these cattle travelled from point A to B, if some of them are in fact part of the Samburu herds. I have just heard that there has been speculation, and from very credible people... I'll email a friend, who lives in both areas, as I'm rather curious myself. In 2006 during the drought, I do remember how the Maasai and their cattle travelled some unbelievable distances.

Here are a few paragraphs, from a few different individuals, whose names I have not included for their privacy, to provide a bit more insight into the matter...

Dear all...

It wouldn't surprise me at all if some of the stolen Samburu herds weren't finding their way down to the Taita ranches; we are absolutely over-run with Somali cattle here at the moment. The same goes for Tsavo East and West National Parks..... I counted 7500 head of cattle between Maungu and Bachuma Gate yesterday morning. I've instructed all of our rangers to check any herds they come across to make sure that they carry the right brands or are not freshly re-branded etc....

....Counted over 1,000 eles, and 6,000 livestock. The issue of livestock in the park hit the newspapers, blatantly in the park - very depressing. Something very fishy is going on -- typical KWS turning a blind eye to the issue. Then they wonder why the eles leave and then get into trouble in the community.

Very sad. This affects our work directly, too---first by displacing and competing with natural prey species of carnivores as well as increasing conflict and therefore poaching and retribution killing. It's unbelievably bad right now--- we counted 6000 cattle & 15,000 on one small area of Rukinga in one day last week! Can imagibe how many more are never even seen.

Link to this post 12 Apr 09


Thank you for posting the additional information. It sounds far worse than I had thought. On another blog I heard there were 20,000 cattle in Nairobi National Park. Very sad because as you say, they are eating the food meant for wildlife, thus forcing wildlife into human areas where there will be conflict. With very little rain in Tsavo, it will probably get worse unless there is strong action on the part of KWS. I will keep my fingers crossed, but won't hold my breath, that things might improve.

Do you know Shivani Bhalla from Ewaso Lions? She is doing an excellent job doing research up in the Samburu/Shaba area. She is an extremely nice young lady.

Glad you have joined us here on Bushdrums and are able to keep us more up to date on what is happening.

Link to this post 13 Apr 09

Yes, I am acquainted with Shivani from workshops / meetings in Kenya, as well as WCN, out here. She is very nice and professional, ethical in her research, also.

Link to this post 13 Apr 09

I heard from Sheldrick Trust this morning that the baby elephant rescued at Satao is a female. This is their note:

"The orphan that came in from Satao on Friday was a 4 month old female. She has been named Pasaka but is not very well at the moment and is on a drip. Is this the elephant you are referring to?"

If the little one had been without mother's milk for a few days it is possible that she has severe
dehydration. It is surprising that she was able to put up such a good fight though. Hopefully the drip is simply to correct dehydration and she will survive. Will keep fingers crossed and pray that she will become strong and, eventually as a teen, be free and wild in Tsavo again.

If she survives I'll add her to my list of adoptees.

Link to this post 13 Apr 09

While on the subject of wildlife/elephant adoption, the decreased tourism in Kenya has truly hurt the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust as far as decreased donations and adoptions go. The cost of raising these orphans with medical expenses, veterinarian expenses, paying keepers, milk formula flown from the UK and so many other things that need to be covered is astronomical.

I would encourage everyone to consider adopting one of these orphans (or more if you can afford to do so).
Just go to, pick an orphan and do the adoption online. It is safe to do so. I've done it for eight years with no problem.

It will help this marvelous, caring organization continue their work of saving many animals that would otherwise die, often due to human interference/conflict.

Link to this post 14 Apr 09

I received word from the Sheldrick Trust this morning that the little orphaned elephant died during the night.

May she rest in peace.

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