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Ivory Seized in Hong Kong

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Ivory Seized in Hong Kong

Link to this post 29 May 06

News from Born Free

Massive Quantity of Ivory Seized in Hong Kong

Born Free were shocked to learn of a huge illegal shipment of elephant ivory that has been seized in Hong Kong. The massive quantity of elephant tusks, weighing 3.9 tonnes (3,900kg), is reported to have been seized on May 3rd, following an x-ray check of the container they were being smuggled in.

The ship containing the ivory is understood to have been carrying a cargo of timber, and is thought to have originated in Cameroon, Central Africa. It is not yet known whether any arrests have been made, however, the ivory is estimated to be worth more than US$1.3million.
More than 300 elephants will have died to produce this huge shipment
The international trade in ivory is currently banned,
although a number of countries want to see the ban lifted - Photo Carrie Wilkie

Born Free believes this seizure represents the on-going problem of elephant poaching across Africa, and particularly highlights the threat from poaching that fragile elephant populations are facing in West and Central Africa. A 2002 IUCN Report* indicates that 13 of the 20 West and Central African Range States may contain fewer than 500 elephants each, and yet many seizures of ivory appear to be originating from this region.

In conjunction with the Species Survival Network Elephant Working Group (, Born Free has produced reports for the last three major CITES** Conferences. These reports give information about seizures of illegal ivory from around the world, and are used to lobby governments when they make decisions about protecting elephants from trade. A copy of the latest report, The Tip of the Tusk, can be accessed through this link > .
- Edited by Carsten am 30.05.2006, 00:07 -

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