Strict Standards: Declaration of KHttpUri::set() should be compatible with KObject::set($property, $value = NULL) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/libraries/koowa/http/uri.php on line 454

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Strict Standards: Declaration of ComNinjaboardDatabaseTableAssets::insert() should be compatible with KDatabaseTableAbstract::insert(KDatabaseRowInterface $row) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/administrator/components/com_ninjaboard/databases/tables/assets.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of ComNinjaboardTemplateHelperPaginator::pagination() should be compatible with ComNinjaHelperPaginator::pagination($config = Array) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/components/com_ninjaboard/templates/helpers/paginator.php on line 13

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Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::import() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w006b358/libraries/loader.php on line 186


Link to this post 07 Dec 08

Hi Folks, its been a while

Just to tell you that my next travel in Gabon is coming soon (january 9), I am extremly excited about it everything is pretty much ready for the expedition!

I am actually going to study tarantula once again, but another genus that is even more interesting to me, I been dreaming about it for years. I would be the first one to make important study about these species ( Stromatopelma satanas, Stromatopelma batesi and Stromatopelma fumigatum)

I am leaving with my bicycle and hammack! '' yeah I know '' and I am planning to live a crazy experience

Any suggestions are welcome

Link to this post 07 Dec 08

Must admit I had to Google them Cedrik!
How long are you away for?

I can think of only one suggestion!

"Remember what your mother told you!"

Not that I know what she said but knowing mothers I'm sure it was good advice!

Have a great trip!

Link to this post 07 Dec 08

Hi Kipper,

actually, theres no picture of these species. All we have a small description of the spider They really are ghost tarantula, because they have been identified in the 18xx, and nobody since then made any serious research on them. The spider that appears on google when you write the name of these species are not the good one, they are common species pictures

Link to this post 12 Dec 08

Ciao Cedrik,

I have been away as well and leaving again next week.
With you on Bushrums we are learning a new language...

Good luck with the trip and also with what you do.
When you come back - let us have some information you feel you want promoted and Carsten can do some of his magic and promote your name and spider friends on search engines so you come up as number 1 on google etc etc. Famous Cedrik and his ghost 8 legged rafikis.

I really wish you all the best with the trip and look forward seeing your clips, photos and stories.

Link to this post 10 Jan 09

Leaving in 6 days, see you after friends!

Link to this post 10 Jan 09


Hope you have a fantastic trip and see lots of spiders and other species you are interested in.

Hope you'll be willing to share your experiences and some pictures with us when you get back.

Stay safe, healthy and happy!