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campaign against kibaki.....

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campaign against kibaki.....

Link to this post 09 Oct 07

Odinga launches campaign against Kibaki

October 08 2007 at 02:06AM

By Wangui Kanina and Andrew Cawthorne

Nairobi - Dancing and singing in a Nairobi park, tens of thousands of Kenyans launched the opposition's election campaign on Saturday buoyed by opinion polls putting their leader ahead of President Mwai Kibaki.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) candidate Raila Odinga accused Kibaki of tribalism and broken promises, and vowed a new start for East Africa's largest economy if he wins in December.

"Forty years after independence we are still very far from achieving the dream of the founding fathers," he told a whooping crowd at Uhuru (Freedom) Park.

"Corruption still thrives, tribalism is still there, and our people are poorer. Kibaki has failed the test."

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At a smaller rally in the Rift Valley town of Nakuru, the 75-year-old president urged voters to give him a second five-year term because of measures like free primary education.

"Let the work continue," he told the crowd. "I am now asking you for a second term. When I finish I will go home and farm, and you will be able to elect a young man of your choice."

Four surveys have given Odinga, a charismatic former political prisoner, between 47 and 43 percent ratings, versus Kibaki's 42 to 34.

Kibaki comes from Kenya's largest tribe, the Kikuyu, and many perceive Odinga's party as an alliance against the Kikuyu from other ethnic groups, including his own Luo group.

"People say I'm tribalist. But when I endorsed Kibaki in 2002, didn't I know he was a Kikuyu?" Odinga said. "I have very many Kikuyu friends. Even my son is marrying a Kikuyu girl."

From early morning, his supporters poured into Nairobi on buses and foot, decked in orange. City-centre traffic was halted by youths dancing in the street.

Odinga vowed to help Kenyans by keeping prices down, paying police better and reforming the constitution. casmpaign against