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Antimalarial Drugs and Malaria Prophylaxis

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Antimalarial Drugs and Malaria Prophylaxis

Link to this post 16 Aug 06

Although we have quite a bit of information on our [URL=]Health Precautions[/URL] page, the question on which medicine to take for Malaria Prophylaxis comes up very often.

However, the virus as well as the medicine changes frequently and people have different experiences with each drug. Also depending the country of residence you will be suggested different medications. Not all products on the market are available everywhere. Governments, as well as pharma-companies tend to praise their products rather than suggesting the best product on the market.

Many highly effective products are not suggested for prophylaxis to avoid confrontation of the virus with light dosages of the product as this speeds up the adaptation of the virus, thus making the medicine less effective in the future.

On we have many visitors that travel regularily to East Africa, hence having experience with a great diversity of products on the market.

It would be great if you would tell us about the products you choose to take, experiences you have made as well as products you used for treatment if you ever had malaria. Many visitors will be thankful for this insider information.

Link to this post 17 Aug 06

There are quite a few new medications for malaria coming from China as well as some herbal tablets.
Personally from what I have heard - the best currently on the market is MALARONE however this comes at quite a high cost for 12 tablets. Positive notes are - very little amount of side effects (I am told).
Perhaps the strongest and not really worth taking as a prevention is Lariam. Very strong with a high percentage of side effects. This can cuase the average traveller to spend their holiday with stomach upsets and not feeling good; something you do not wish to happen when being on safari....

Link to this post 17 Aug 06

The best way to enjoy your holiday is prevention - anti mosquito creams, sprays, nets and light long trousers and tops during the evenings.

Link to this post 17 Aug 06

I once used Lariam for treatment of the "Malaria Tropica" (Falciparum). The high dosage knocked me down more than the malaria itself. Symptoms had disappeared within a week but the side effects stayed for nearly 3 months!!! And I am talking about heavy side effects like loosing sense of balance, upset stomach, dizzyness, insomnia...

As far as I know, the army (especially air force) does not use Lariam due to these side effects.

Link to this post 31 Aug 06

regarding malaria prophylaxis we have goog experiences with MALARONE. no side effects at all - at least we have not experienced any!
if one decides on DOXYCYCLINE as a prohylaxis one should know that this drug (an antibiotic) is not allowed in germany at least as a prophylaxis and the skin gets extremly sensitive to sunrays means sunrays become quite painful when getting on to the skin and a sunscreen of at least 40+ should be used to minimize this unwellcome symptom. when i used it - bought at a drugstore in windhoek/namibia where it\'s as prophylaxis widely used and available without prescription - i could not stand the sun at all. my skin was red like a tomatoe and extremly sensitive! i walked the makadikgadi pan with an umbrella and i had to use gloves to protect my hands while holding the umbrella respectively ride the quadbike!

Link to this post 05 Nov 06

On my first trip to Kenya in 2001, since I didn't want to chance Lariam, I used Doxycycline. I too had a reaction - not sunburn but my hands and feet felt like they were on fire. I stopped the medication and within 24 hours the symptoms subsided.

On my second trip I took Malarone. No side effects at all. It is expensive but luckily my health insurance picks up a big part of the cost.

I always travel in the dry season and always to Amboseli and Tsavo. Since I never saw mosquitos in the dry season and had never been bitten, I have since elected to take the medicine with me, but not take it unless I see mosquitos. I never took it again until August 2006 when there were indeed mosquitos there so I did my daily Malaone.

I know this is not a recommended way to travel. However, these are insecticides we are taking and unless I absolutely need a medicine of any kind I don't take it. I know I am taking a slight chance, but in ten trips, always in the dry season, I have only seen mosquitos once and did indeed take the medication.

For first-time travelers I would definitely see a travel medicine specialist and get your prescription for an antimalarial. You can't be sure until you get to your destination what the conditions might be.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum Show my Watches Forums General Information Health Matters Antimalarial Drugs and Malaria Prophylaxis