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Campi ya Kanzi Conservational Activities

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum Show my Watches Forums Conservation Introduction Campi ya Kanzi Conservational Activities

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Campi ya Kanzi Conservational Activities

Link to this post 27 Jun 06

[b]Introduction of the Conservational Activities of Campi ya Kanzi[/b]

Eco-tourism and the Maasai

Campi ya Kanzi is the living example of the policies of the Kenya Wildlife Service, which encourages local people to become involved in the conservation of wildlife. This approach to conservation is based on the self-interested involvement of the Maasai, rather than the creation of laws and bans.

For example, when lions kill Maasai cattle, the Maasai naturally wish to eliminate the lions to protect their livelihood. However, if the same lions produce profit through tourism, the Maasai may realize that it is best to co-exist with them. The Maasai now see the benefit of having wildlife on their land, so they protect the animals and view them as extension of their ranching activities.

For each guest accommodated at Campi ya Kanzi for one night, $30 is set apart for the Maasai community. The money is spent as follows:

- Reimbursement of animal damages, compensating Maasai who have incurred loss through damage by wildlife.

- For education, through scholarships awarded on merit and to those who are too poor to afford education. The funds also pay for school supplies and help pay teachers' salaries.

- For health, by providing basic medical facilities and medicines.

- For new infrastructures, such as schoolrooms, toilets, dispensaries.

Luca Belpietro has a degree in economics and wrote his thesis on wildlife as a natural resource in Kenya. He would be pleased to tell you more about how Campi ya Kanzi benefits conservation efforts in Kenya.

Through the trust they have founded, The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, they also have community projects and adoption schemes for the wild animals of the ranch.

The MWCT is also supported by the Maasai Foundation of East Africa, officially recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Eco Sustainability

We believe true ecotourism should be based on the use of the best available technology, to have the lowest impact on the environment.

At Campi ya Kanzi photovoltaic panels transform sun light in electricity. This is stored in a bank of batteries. Two interfaced inverters transform the continuous current in alternate current, at 220V. From the inverters electricity runs through the entire camp, running all our appliances, from lamps to fridges.
Nice to know that every electric need we have is generated by the sun, with absolutely no impact on the environment.

Water is our scarcest resource. We collect rains from the roofs. We recycle all gray waters, with special filters imported from Europe. An anaerobic reaction assures the purity of water at the exit of the system. Water is then used in ponds for the wildlife.
The use of specially imported ecological soaps assures perfect chemical purity of the water.
We use special low energy dish washers and washing machine, to save on water consumption.
Each tented cottage has its own dedicated solar boiler, providing hot water in the bathrooms.

Food is cooked with an eco-friendly charcoal, made from coffee husks, on a United Nations Environment Project recommendation.

Staff is trained to assure minimization of garbage production. All organic wastes are transformed in compost. The rest of the wastes are selected and send to the city council pit and the recyclable wastes (glasses and other container) sent to Nairobi.

We run an organic vegetable garden, and we have few chickens and few cows, for an organic production of eggs and milk.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please post it in the topic appropriate to your question and we will be more than happy to answer.

- Edited by Carsten am 27.06.2006, 14:32 -

Link to this post 18 Dec 06

- Update on Activities 18.12.2006 - Provided by Maasai Conservation Wilderness Trust as is

- Schools: Through donations and through the conservation fees paid by Campi ya Kanzi guests, we are now supporting all the 14 primary schools which are in the Group Ranch.

We have six secondary level scholarships running and another four to be offered to the best two boys and two girls of the 2006 academic year.

We are employing 20 teachers, 2 cleaners, and 1 cook.


We would like to increase the number of teachers employed, to guarantee a good level of education to all kids. One teacher costs $2,600 per year: quite a big donation for a single donor, but think what this will accomplish: at least 30 kids will receive proper schooling.

We would like to build a private school, where to provide better education through the teachers currently employed. This project is likely to be donated by a generous agent of Campi ya Kanzi: it will cost about $98,000.

Please keep supporting us with the secondary level scholarships: they are the most meaningful.

Only 3% of the Maasai of our Reserve can afford to get to high school. It costs $750 per year, for four years, to send a pupil to high school.

Finally we would like to be able to offer one university scholarship a year. Depending on the discipline studied the cost would be between $7,000 to $25,000 for four years of university just for tuition, not including housing and extra fees.

- Health: We are about to complete the project of providing running water and electricity to the local dispensary. The well was dug successfully and good water found. See the installation of the pump here below.

Thanks to the funds just raised we will be able to build the electricity room and to install the solar panels, inverters and batteries. We believe this is the most meaningful project the Trust is accomplishing in its 6 years existence. Proper health will help save the lives of many children. Thank you all who have participated and supported this project.

We are going to employ a doctor at the dispensary: we are seeking sponsorship of his salary. It costs $800 a month.

We would like to be able to accommodate the many volunteers who have offered us their help: doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, students. It would cost $60,000 to build a house capable of hosting 8 people.

- Conservation: probably the sector that needs our most attention.

Kenya has triplicated its human population in 40 years. Wildlife population is believed to have been decimated in the last 50 years of the 20th century. The numbers speak for themselves. Regardless of our successful efforts during our 10 years presence in the Chyulu Hills we need to do more. This land needs to be protected.

We have been asked by the Maasai landlords to assist them in creating conservancies in the Group Ranch. This is the biggest reward for Luca: the desire to preserve wilderness, wildlife and culture is now rooted deeply in the community.

Please support us to achieve this crucial goal.

The Trust is now employing 30 game scouts. It costs $1,440 a year to employ a game scout.

What your money will do:

A donation of…

Pay the school fees of a pupil in primary school
1 term

Pay the salary of a kindergarten teacher
1 month

Pay the salary of a game scout
1 month

Pay the salary of a teacher
1 month

Pay for a set of books for an entire class
1 year

Pay the salary of the coordinator of the Trust
1 month

Buy medicine, needles, antibiotics
3 months

Buy a hand held radio for the game scouts

Pay for a pupil at secondary school
1 year

Pay the salary of a doctor
1 year

Pay a game scout for 1 year
1 year

Buy all the books the school needs
1 year

Cover for the entire payroll of the Trust
1 month

And more money can….

Build a waterhole to draw more wildlife and elephants into the reserve

Buy a second hand Land Rover for helping the dispensary and the scouts

Run Simba Project for a year

Yearly fee for the Maasai landlords to establish & then maintain a conservancy

Build a house near the village for volunteers helping the school and dispensary

Create a black rhino sanctuary

The Maasai Foundation of East Africa ( is a US 501 c (3) nonprofit corporation that has supported the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust with grants for wildlife conservation, medical and educational projects. Your donation will be directed to the sector, project or program you choose.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum Show my Watches Forums Conservation Introduction Campi ya Kanzi Conservational Activities