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Worst Case Travel Scenarios

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Worst Case Travel Scenarios

Link to this post 15 Apr 10

Aha Jan, we both smelt the same!

Water is always a problem especially deep in the bush away from public camping sites.
The more water you carry the heavier your vehicle & the more problems in deep sand.
So it is always a balancing act.
We ration ourselves to a strip wash out of a small bowl every day.

Ah but the luxury of talcum powder!

We take lightweight old clothes, a couple of tee's, couple of shirts, one pair of shorts, & a pair of trousers, plus a thick pollythene bag for worn items!
The only thing we don't scimp on is under wear.... Knickers to be precise!

If we get the chance we dhobi out the dirty bag & the washed clothes dry quick in the sun.

Our self drive through Tanzania was a water restricted trip but..... we found on the picnic sites where lodge vehicles allowed their clients to stretch their legs & stop for a break & drinks.
The toilets, as well as European toilets, had squat toilets & in the squat toilets there were shattafs! (Washing sprays)

So at sundown when the lodge vehicles were heading back to the luxury of their hot showers, clean sheets & excellent food & we were the only people for miles around Lady Kipper & I found that by crouching down on our haunches we could have a perfectly excellent cold shower with a shattaf!... Pure luxury!.... Honest!

Link to this post 15 Apr 10

I can just picture it now You are a hoot my friend.

With such limited water supply how do you do your hand laundry? Waterholes? You must have to take some extra gerry cans with water just in case the radiator boils over, etc.

You truly are roughing it. Nothing is as nice as a shower on safari after returning from dusty game drives.
Showering in the toilet is not my idea of fun and cleanliness

Link to this post 15 Apr 10

Kipper - here is one for you. Next time, when landing in Africa (purchase from any pharmacy) take a plastic bottle or 2 of this gel (cannot remember the name) but it is a clear gel with alcohol inside. 99% of bacteria gets disinfected. No water for a few days to wash - no worries... place under arms, on feet - all smell gone.
This is used also by sailors who do round the world races and cannot shower or wash for a few weeks.

I feel sorry for those who have lots of hair on their head - full of dust. That is where I smile!

Link to this post 23 Apr 10

You won't believe it - WE ARE TOTAL NAIVE - or call it nutcase - OBVIOUSLY!

We used to leave all valuables and cam equipment in our tent. Money, passports and tickets in a closed luggage but everything else just in a cupboard or so.

Never experienced any loss.

But now we start thinking that over.................

And Jan - these electronic minibars don't keep us from taking theirs out and put ours in. Well, I tell them right away that I need that cool space and put theirs back when we leave. Never had a problem.

What I consider also a HUGE problem: Is booked/paid with one of the camps which were closed recently and having no pillow to lay my head on - not even to mention about the money which ended up in an Kenyan account How and which camps to trust now? Whcih one are going to be closed next?