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The Elephant Whisperer: How Re-Homing a Violent Herd . . .

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Strict Standards: Declaration of ComNinjaHelperDefault::__call() should be compatible with KObject::__call($method, array $arguments) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/administrator/components/com_ninja/helpers/default.php on line 19

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Strict Standards: Declaration of ComNinjaboardDatabaseTableAssets::insert() should be compatible with KDatabaseTableAbstract::insert(KDatabaseRowInterface $row) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/administrator/components/com_ninjaboard/databases/tables/assets.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of ComNinjaboardTemplateHelperPaginator::pagination() should be compatible with ComNinjaHelperPaginator::pagination($config = Array) in /www/htdocs/w006b358/components/com_ninjaboard/templates/helpers/paginator.php on line 13

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Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::import() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w006b358/libraries/loader.php on line 186

The Elephant Whisperer: How Re-Homing a Violent Herd . . .

Link to this post 28 Jun 09


Sorry - no tipps from me regrettably. I also have swollen feet after long-haul despite I also wear sandals or flipflops. But it's not too bad; I flex my feet as often as possible but I sleep a lot on the aircraft . One day and it's back to normal. I also try to put them up as soon as I get an opportunity. Maybe a vein cream would help. I was told that this swollen feet thing is because of weak veins.

Next week I am off again to Dresden (former GDR) and Berlin.

August is the Rhine wine lands with my mother for a couple of days.

And maybe Oct to Thessaloniki/Greece where I might have the chance to meet with our web guru

Nov is Barcelona - an exhibition

Dec is Cannes - Exhibition.

I wish you a great trip to your son! And maybe the weather god is having mercy

Have w wonderful WE!

Link to this post 28 Jun 09

Touch wood, Jan, luckily I only suffered from swollen ankles & feet once.

Since then I have always worn the restriction socks that are made to prevent this,
I take an aspirin before flights & carry out foot / leg exercises when ever I remember to.

Tense & relax my leg muscles in a rhythm, the same with my feet lifting the balls of my feet as high as I can while forcing down on my heels & foot circulations.

No alcohol or coffee & drink plenty of water.

Us youngsters need to look after ourselves you know!

Link to this post 30 Jun 09

Kipper I agree to lots of water but strongly disagree to the alc

Happy Landings!

Link to this post 01 Jul 09

Tut! Tut!

Link to this post 02 Jul 09

Thanks for the tips - will try and remember all this in about 30 years......ahahahaha

You are here Bush-Talk Forum Show my Watches Forums General Information Books East Africa The Elephant Whisperer: How Re-Homing a Violent Herd . . .