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What is your favorite antelope?

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What is your favorite antelope?

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

You can guess mine by the avatar. It is the nyala. I might have said sable or roan but they are rarer sights and that's why the nyala edged them out as my favorite.

Recently, I found I was going through puku withdrawal and remedied that situation last July by visiting puku-rich Zambia. I watched puku herds hanging out with their waterbuck cousins, another species I enjoy.

Even the ubiquitous impala are something I don't get tired of seeing. When they are feeding in the shade of Stranger Figs, scattered among elephant-downed Acacias with their baboon buddies, that's a quintessential Africa scene. And how can you not love a herdful of those adorable bottoms taking flight?

While nyala are my #1, each antelope species is fascinating in its own right. I probably feel the least affection for those slopey-backed ones, which will not sit well with Nyamera.

It's time to see some gazelles now since it has been about 8 years since a Tommie crossed my path.

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

Strangely enough I can never get over the beauty of the thomson's gazelle. It has an amazing "design", simple, very sharp lines and eye-catching.

But every time I go on safari I first get stuck on them and later on, when I start seeing the real game, I forget about them.

One of my favorites is the Dikdik. Isn't it amazing that such a little creature exists between all the giants and kings of the jungle? In fact we even have an article on the [URL=]Dikdik[/URL].

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

The dik dik is a lovely little antelope. A baby dikdik looks like a stuffed animated toy. Makes you wonder can such a thing be real?

Carsten, did you do info sheets on all sorts of animals? Is there a link to those?

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

The tommy is a wonderfl animal - but I must say that the male sable has an incredible fasination and colour.
I was lucky to spend some time watching them at a very close distance in Kwale - coast of Kenya.

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

Original von atravelynn
Carsten, did you do info sheets on all sorts of animals? Is there a link to those?

In the left menu you will find a button "Useful Information", once you clicked on that, you will find a section called Wildlife Library & News in the middle of the page. This section offers details on all kinds of animals (but far from all) and also news about specific species.

Link to this post 13 Dec 08

top spot for me is Gemsbok!