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again: in the end an eli had to pay the price

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again: in the end an eli had to pay the price

Link to this post 10 Nov 07

again: in the end an eli had to pay the price for tourist's invasion of its ever decreasing habitat resulting in desaster for the elephant![/color]

Link to this post 10 Nov 07

So Sad!
So very sad!
Looking at the camp site I wonder if their home is such a mess but of course they never thought their scruffiness would lead to the death of the bulll.................Or I expect even care!
I'm glad ! have fonder memories of a bull at Savuti.

Link to this post 11 Nov 07

Though it would be impossible, I would love to know more about this big guy. It doesn't appear as though he is in musth. No urine dribbling that can be seen, not wet on the back of his rear legs, no streaming from temporal glands at all. He doesn't appear to be in stress. Then why would he be retaliating against people and their camps? Could it be another case where he was previously injured by humans and is now getting even?

It is just as you said, so very, very sad that he had to end up this way.

Link to this post 11 Nov 07

I don't think he is showing aggression , throwing his weight around but not aggressive.
Possibly a bit of extortion!
The way I see it he is looking for goodies, in the past he has come across untidy campers & has got some goodies out of it.
Fruit, muffins, bread that sort of thing even possibly water. That, I think, is what he's looking for, not out to harm anyone,
In one of the pictures he leaning over the truck & is checking out the black rubbish sack hung on the wing mirror & another he is passing the sack to his mouth he is also checking for goodies inside the roof tent.
A trick he has found from stupid campers in the past, possibly he\'s even been given snacks in the past, now another untidy camper has cost him his life!

[b]Bushdrums MUST continue in it's attempts to promote and educate.[/b]

I have camped at Savuti & elephants pass through all the time.
The building in the back ground is the elephant proof shower & toilet block, it has a massive thick wall surrounding it with little gaps for human access to the block he is actually coming from the direction of another pitch site!

Link to this post 11 Nov 07

Just to add he has also dropped the rubbish bag onto the bonnet of the vehicle & is feeding from it. (The last picture of him alive)

This is more than sad.......It is heart breaking!

Such a magnificent animal shot dead because of idiots.

Oh how much fun it is to camp in the bush & leave nibbles for the elephants???
Lets take lots & lots & lots of photo's before we make them shoot him because he came looking for goodies!

Annoyed & upset?

You damn well bet you I am!!

Shot!....Not by a hunter putting big money into Africa but by stupid tourists!
- Edited by kipper on 11.11.2007, 11:43 -

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