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Jan and Other Friends of Sheldrick\'s

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Jan and Other Friends of Sheldrick\'s

Link to this post 26 Oct 07

Has anyone heard anything about what’s happening to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust? I found this worrying thread on [URL=]Fodor\'s[/URL]
Apparently you can no longer visit without paying park fees for Nairobi NP!

Link to this post 27 Oct 07


I am in the process of trying to get answers about this from three different sources on this. I didn't know about this until tonight. If what one of the posters claims is true, that they are trying to force the Trust out of the park, it is a very shameful day for Kenya.

Sheldrick Trust has done more for wildlife in Kenya than any other wildlife organization. This includes being a helping hand to KWS over the years including buying gas for their vehicles, buying an engine for antipoaching plane, working with KWS and Vier Pfoten to set up veterinary services, working with the communities to encourage wildlife conservation and thousands of other things.

If this is indeed true, many people will forego their plans to visit Kenya. The main reason for visits of some of these people is to see their orphans - the rest is just "frosting on the cake."

If I hear anything tomorrow I'll let you know.

Link to this post 27 Oct 07

Why does nothing surprise me anymore? Instead of working together for the benefit of really all; people and wildlife - some organisations just do not understand what life is about.
I have a friend who I shall e mail who is in contact with them on various projects; I shall see if we can get some light shed on the matter.
- Edited by Nico on 29.10.2007, 11:31 -

Link to this post 27 Oct 07

I have just heard from Southern Cross Safaris and they said indeed it is true that one now needs to pay the $40.00 park fee just in order to go and see the orphaned elephants for an hour. Thus they are offering their clients a full morning with a visit to NNP first and then ending up at the Sheldrick Trust. Thus for a family of six people, it would cost $240.00 just for park fees and then you have to add on the cost of car and driver for the morning so it would probably end up costing about $500.00 for six people!

Many of us have no interest at all in seeing NNP. I've been once and was terribly disappointed at how few animals there were and seeing their "cheetah petting" zoo which is awful to see.

Whenever I've been at the Trust there have been hundreds of people there, including many school children. Many of the tourists would leave donations AND also adopt an orphaned rhino or elephant after seeing them. The funds raised by the Trust are used not only for rescuing and raising the orphaned animals, but have been shared with KWS for many of their endeavors. If few people are now going to the Trust because of the cost, this will greatly reduce donations and adoptions, thus greatly reducing monies that could be used for wildlife conservation.
I only hope and pray that KWS will rethink this policy which will hurt conservation in the long run.

Link to this post 27 Oct 07

Jan, thanks for asking Southern Cross. It’s sad that the information you got is confirming the post on Fodor’s.

Link to this post 27 Oct 07

These are sad news
And all just because people are so kean on money