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Who Should Manage the Masai Mara (from Ndun'gu's website)

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum Edit my Forum Profile Forums General Information Wildlife Topics Who Should Manage the Masai Mara (from Ndun'gu's website)

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Who Should Manage the Masai Mara (from Ndun'gu's website)

Link to this post 26 Oct 07

Who should Manage Maasai Mara

Trust Maasai Mara to always make news for better or worse. As Kenya's leading safari destination, Mara is a true jewel but often a persistent cause of national shame, management wrangling and frustration to many. Last year, it was listed by WWF among the top ten travel destinations in the world and later voted by America's ABC Television as the 7th Wonder of the World in its "Good Morning America" program. It is contiguous with the larger Serengeti ecosystem which records the most spectacular wildlife show on earth in form of cyclic migration of thousands of animals from Tanzania to Kenya.

Poverty amid Plenty

But great as it is, Mara's management has been a persistent headache and subject of great controversy. Unlike other national parks in Kenya, Mara is managed by the local county councils. Ideally, this would be a perfect model of ensuring community benefit from wildlife and tourism. Indeed Narok and Trans Mara county councils that "own" the Mara are said to be the richest local authority in East and Central Africa. The sad thing, however, is that this wealth is never evident among the people who live here as any visitor to Maasai Mara would attest. Majority of the communities live in shameful squalor without access to water, electricity and sanitation facilities as well as health and education institutions. Where does all the wealth go to?

For instance, more than 1 million tourists visited the Mara last year, estimated to be 70% of all tourists who visited Kenya. Yet the two county councils reportedly received less than 1 billion shillings in park entry fees compared to the 56 billion scooped by the sector.

Roads a Sham- and Shame!

Besides lack of financial accountability, Mara's management has left a lot to be desired. Road maintenance in the parks has been very poor or non existent making the park a very expensive destination due to high cost of transport. Lack of enforcement of park regulations has also negatively affected the environment due to off road driving and animal harassment. Ask the cheetahs!

Give us the Mara - KWS

Now the Kenya Wildlife Service - the state body that manages other national parks is making an appeal to take control of the Mara. The KWS Director, Julius Kipng'etich, says the service can manage the Mara better arguing that lack of financial accountability and management of infrastructure "is a clear indication that county councils have no capacity to handle reserves". The Director was in a delegation of ten (10) Permanent Secretaries who were on a three-day tour of the Mara who called for an urgent policy to address Mara's plight to stem further degradation of the famous ecosystem.

Send us a comment on this story. Should Maasai Mara be managed by KWS or continue with current management

Share with us your views on this report:

Link to this post 27 Oct 07

it should be taken way from the maasai communities as soon as possible for onbvisous reasons - what happends last dec/jan during the torrential rains!? they just dont care exept for their own pockets!!

Link to this post 28 Oct 07


But isn't it interesting, KWS just allowed President Kibaki to give Amboseli to the Maasai - and now people are talking about whether or not KWS should take the Mara from the Maasai?! Really makes one wonder how they come up with their decisions. Is it ALL money related? Or is this again just all in the hopes of votes for the upcoming election two days after Christmas? Curious.

Link to this post 29 Oct 07

Developed countries have "people" managing councils; no matter what ethnic group or religious back ground. This allows for more tranparency and reduces the risk of Ganging up and creating "money" teams.
If the Mara was considered as a business and ran & organised - managed by a group of professional people from various sectors and back grounds NOT KWS or the Masai directly - although they should have a seat to see what is going on; this will create a massive difference.

If you have one board controlling the park only - no matter who handles it; it will never work.

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