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Elephants Attack Game Ranger (South Africa)

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Elephants Attack Game Ranger (South Africa)

Link to this post 15 Mar 07

Elephants attack game ranger (South AFrica)

News 24

March 14, 2007

Johannesburg - A game ranger was seriously injured when his vehicle was attacked by a herd of elephants, said a Kruger National Park official on Tuesday.

Park spokesperson Raymond Travers said Thomas Mathosi was returning from a staff function in the far northern part of the park with a group of colleagues on Tuesday morning.

The group came upon a breeding herd of elephant.

As they watched the herd, a smaller group of elephants stormed them from behind, overturning their vehicle.

"We cannot say why they attacked... bulls feel protective over their calves... that could have been a factor," said Travers.

A section ranger, Sandra Basson and her driver, Mathosi, were pinned underneath the vehicle while the rest of the rangers were thrown out of it.

The rangers fired three warning shots to disperse the elephants and then freed the two trapped under the vehicle and rushed them to hospital.

Mathosi sustained a serious injury to his thigh. His condition has stabilised, said Travers.

He is currently at Polokwane Private Hospital.

The rest of the rangers were treated for minor injuries and discharged.

Article at the following link:,,2-7-1442_2083020,00.html

Link to this post 15 Mar 07

"Bulls feel protective over their calves".

Has anyone else ever heard of this? From everything I know, bull elephants breed, act as consort for the female for a day or two while she remains in estrus to keep other bulls away, and then leave. They usually have absolutely nothing to do with their calves!

I do know of one bull elephant drinking at the Satao waterhole who saw a small baby in trouble being unable to get up the side of the waterhole and used his leg to "boot" him or lift him up the side - but other than this I have never seen this relationship of bulls protecting calves. Perhaps some of you with more Africa experience than I have seen it.

Link to this post 15 Mar 07

agree jan, haven't heard that before!
maybe it's just that they want to make the public believe they didn't do anything wrong! a breeding herd is always very sensitive to everything. so they might haven't respected the herds need for space or just overlooked the warnings and then.....voilá - shit happens

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