Kalahari Dream
A wildlife movie book
Watch the Promo video http://bit.ly/s9Da44
From the authors of the critically acclaimed book “For the Love of Wildlife” comes a compelling must read for animal lovers, and a book which should be made compulsory for conservationists.
Invoking the magic of the Kalahari, this powerful story of wildlife rehab includes sixty unique video clips of birds and animals. There are more than a hundred photos on the book website (www.kalahari-dream.com) to illustrate the text.
“A magnificent book” Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson – NY Times No1 best-selling author
“It is a story of the indomitable spirit of living beings” Phil Wollen - Australian philanthropist
A brand new reading experience! The electronic formats are fully integrated with the web, allowing the reader to click seamlessly from text to video, and back.
There has never been a wildlife book like it:
• Paperback http://amzn.to/vLHjhv
• Download for Kindle http://amzn.to/vYlNJk
• Download for iPad, and all other eReaders http://bit.ly/sFM2Wb
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Kalahari Dream

I have just finished reading this book and highly recommend it for anyone who loves wildlife. I downloaded it to my Kindle and laptop. I found reading it on the computer was so easy as I could quickly link to the YouTube video segments included in book. Bev and Chris share with us their love for wildlife, the caring they showed for each and every animal they cared for, and their joy at being able to set them free after their time in "rehab" was over. It also showed the difficulty and lack of cooperation they had with local wildlife authorities in carrying out their work. Some of their "babies" came back to visit after they went wild. The book is a "must" read! Thank you Bev and Chris!!

So glad you enjoyed the book Jan. Allowing say two minutes per video clip, sixty video clips would give the reader about two hours of movie. The New York Journal of Books has called for a review copy, for the first time ever for a self published book, so clearly the movie book concept is attracting attention.
Jan could we ask you to paste your comments above to Amazon.com book page, and Kindle page on both Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. Independent reviews are needed. We'll send you the URLs for those pages.

Hi Chris:
Would be only too glad to recommend the book for you. First of all I loved the way the book was written with the YouTube links scattered throughout the book. It was the first time I had ever seen a book done this way. I found it extremely easy to do because the book was loaded on my computer, and it was so easy to just click on the video link and be taken to the video in seconds.
The writing itself took me through a whole host of emotions. Sadness for what humans have done to wildlife, love for the animals themselves, fury at the ignorant wildlife officials who often gave you nothing but trouble, laughing at some of the incidents you had, joy at your success in releasing many of these animals when they were healthy enough to go wild again. Most of all, I wish I had been there with you and Bev to share the work and experiences you had with wildlife.
The world needs more people like you and Bev!

Jan you may be interested to read Jan Cox's review of the book on Amazon. She is an MBA with a wealth of experience in animal welfare projects worldwide, first with WSPA and now as consultant to international agencies like the OIE. I must say, between you and her, the two Jans have done us proud.
And now a wildlife documentary filmmaker has asked if he can show the promo video along with his clips at an industry conference in North America; he says it captures the essence of the Kalahari.

Thanks for the link Chris. I will go to Amazon and see what the other Jan has written.
Great news that a filmmaker is interested in promoting Kalahari Dreams also. Hope he shares
his pleasure of it with the authorities that gave you so much trouble and put them to shame.
Keep up the fight on behalf of SA's wildlife!