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Saving the Aberdares - a vital investment

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Saving the Aberdares - a vital investment

Link to this post 27 Nov 06

Saving the Aberdares a vital investment
Published: 11/27/2006


This year is witnessing a sea change in the investment sources to awaken public support for the Aberdare fence, the prime management tool to secure watershed and forest integrity in this vital mountain range in central Kenya.

The word "investment" is used deliberately since donations to Rhino Ark, the Kenyan charity which has led the civil society campaign to resolve many issues including watershed integrity in the Aberdares, is now receiving Government budgetary support.

In this calendar year, the Government is now an investor of significant proportion in the building process. Through budget allocations via the Forest Department in the 2005/06 Budget of Sh9.16 million and the Kenya Wildlife Service in the current 2006/07 Budget of Sh30 million, materials totalling Sh39.16 million are being provided for fence construction.

State land belongs to all

Earlier this month, Finance minister Amos Kimunya commissioned Phase Six of the fence and affirmed Government's resolve to support Rhino Ark with additional funds both for construction and maintenance in the future.

Rhino Ark is a living demonstration of an effective public private partnership committed to sustainably conserve vital watershed, indigenous forest and all flora and fauna within the Aberdares.

Such state land belongs to all Kenyans. All must derive benefit. Its management is dependent upon the designated state agencies charged to supervise it, in partnership with all stakeholders, but most importantly, with forest edge community farmers.

Since its inception in 1988, Rhino Ark has worked in close collaboration with KWS in the construction of the fence. The building and maintenance team is a joint venture. The fence has proved itself 99 per cent successful in resolving wildlife/human conflict.

But what of the fence's success in managing invasive and exploitative human activity inside this indigenous zone?

Dramatic reductions in charcoal extraction, illegal logging, and bush-meat hunting can be flagged as successes. But the establishment of gate management policies in areas under Forest Department jurisdiction is what is needed now.

It is of utmost importance that a gate access policy be put in place. The Forest Act 2005 is clear on the issue of what should happen in water catchment zones.

Rhino Ark's fence makes it possible to regulate access and only for non-destructive uses. The Forest Department which has yet to make its re-birth as the Kenya Forest Service as required by the Act, must address this issue now.

Historically, forest line communities have enjoyed unlimited access. But in today's world of burgeoning populations, dwindling forest cover and climate change, unlimited access has had to be increasingly contained to what is sustainable.

In reality, very few traditional off takes fit this criterion any more. Leisure, cultural and essential services to water pipeline off-takes (now also under fiercer scrutiny and conditions) and for re-planting indigenous trees, do fit.

Deadwood off-take is depriving indigenous forest of regeneration. Livestock access brings disease and destroys new forest growth. Grass extraction is exploitative, and like deadwood off-take, turns into a money-making exercise that is degenerative to flora and fauna

The Forest Act is clear that revenue generating activities should restrict themselves to non-indigenous zones and totally avoid water catchments. The 2000 sq km of area inside the Aberdare fence must now be treated as a conservation area.

Rhino Ark is working closely with both KWS and the KFS (in formation) to create a gate management policy.

Lack of policy

A gate analysis by photo/gps imprint of every gate was undertaken last year by Rhino Ark. It highlights lack of policy and abuse. The control of the gates in the fence line is where forest officers will be challenged and tested.

Ultimately, all forest line farmers must recognise that the indigenous zone inside the fence is best protected from exploitative human imprint.

Their future lies in developing their land outside and for the indigenous forest to look after Kenya's core water catchment. Furthermore they are vital partners in the process.


Mr Church is the chairman of Rhino Ark, a conservation lobby.

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