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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '), `forum`.`title`, NULL) AS `moved_to_forum_title` FROM `bd_ninjaboard_topic...' at line 1 of the following query : SELECT `tbl`.* , `tbl`.`ninjaboard_topic_id` , `tbl`.`replies` , `tbl`.`status` , `tbl`.`vote` , `tbl`.`topic_type_id` , `tbl`.`forum_id` , `tbl`.`first_post_id` , `tbl`.`last_post_id` , `tbl`.`hits` , `tbl`.`enabled` , `tbl`.`sticky` , `tbl`.`locked` , `tbl`.`resolved` , `first_post`.`subject` , `first_post`.`subject` AS `title` , `first_post`.`subject` AS `alias` , `last_post`.`subject` AS `last_post_subject` , `first_post`.`created_time` AS `first_post_date` , `last_post`.`created_user_id` , `last_post`.`created_time` AS `last_post_date` , IF(`first_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('USERNAME'), `first_post_user`.`username`, IF(`first_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('NAME'), `first_post_user`.`name`, IF(`first_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('ALIAS') AND `first_post_person`.`alias` != '', `first_post_person`.`alias`, IFNULL(`first_post_user`.`username`, 'Anonymous')))) AS `first_post_username` , IF(`last_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('USERNAME'), `last_post_user`.`username`, IF(`last_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('NAME'), `last_post_user`.`name`, IF(`last_post_person`.`which_name` = LOWER('ALIAS') AND `last_post_person`.`alias` != '', `last_post_person`.`alias`, IFNULL(`last_post_user`.`username`, 'Anonymous')))) AS `last_post_username` , IF((`symlink`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` = --), `forum`.`title`, NULL) AS `moved_to_forum_title` FROM `bd_ninjaboard_topics` AS `tbl`LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_posts` AS `first_post` ON (`first_post`.`ninjaboard_post_id` = `tbl`.`first_post_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_posts` AS `last_post` ON (`last_post`.`ninjaboard_post_id` = `tbl`.`last_post_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_users` AS `first_post_user` ON (`first_post_user`.`id` = `first_post`.`created_user_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_users` AS `last_post_user` ON (`last_post_user`.`id` = `last_post`.`created_user_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_people` AS `first_post_person` ON (`first_post_person`.`ninjaboard_person_id` = `first_post`.`created_user_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_people` AS `last_post_person` ON (`last_post_person`.`ninjaboard_person_id` = `last_post`.`created_user_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_forums` AS `forum` ON (`forum`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` = `tbl`.`forum_id`) LEFT JOIN `bd_ninjaboard_topic_symlinks` AS `symlink` ON ((`symlink`.`ninjaboard_topic_id` = `tbl`.`ninjaboard_topic_id` AND `symlink`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` != `tbl`.`forum_id`)) WHERE `forum`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` NOT IN ( 20, 30 ) AND `tbl`.`ninjaboard_topic_id` IN ( '1395' ) AND ( `tbl`.`forum_id` = '--' OR ('--' = `symlink`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` AND `tbl`.`show_symlinks` = 1 ) ) AND `forum`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` != 'NULL' AND `forum`.`enabled` = 1 AND `tbl`.`enabled` = 1