Thanks, Jan. I have done that so get notices. There have been none today so guess the State Dept. is not too worried.
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Makes me glad I am trying a new hotel this time. I have always hated riding from the airport to the downtown hotels and spending 1 - 2 hours in absolutely horrible traffic and surrounded by hawkers the whole time. This time I decided to try the new Ole-Sereni hotel at Nairobi National Park which looks much closer to both JKIA and Wilson airports and is quite a distance from the city. When I return I'll try to remember to put my impression of it in my trip report.
I'll hope and pray that things quiet down and remain calm despite the injuries and deaths from the explosions. Again they seem politically motivated. Kenya certainly doesn't need anything else to
negatively effect their economy.

Welcome back Joyce - glad to hear you had a great safari! The cheetah kill and the gorillas sound very very special!
Sorry I missed to "wave" you good bye but I am glad you made it without that

A week from today we will be in Nairobi and then on to Samburu. Are we excited? Yes! I absolutely can not wait to see this through the eyes of an 11 year old--what fun. Actually he will turn 12 while we are there and so the camp will have a cake and little song or dance for him. Think he will remember turning 12?

Oh I hope so Jane!
I hope he keeps the wonderment & innocenceof childhood for a long long time.
Like me may he never grow up!

Jane: It will be something your son will never forget. Back in 2002 on my second trip to Kenya the employees of Ol Tukai Lodge in Amboseli wanted to thank me for being a returner and all came out from the kitchen with flaming spears, etc. singing. Since it wasn't my birthday, I didn't anticipate anything and was totally surprised. However, iti was something that is still clear in my mind. Your son will love it.