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Your comments on bed tax or gate tax

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Your comments on bed tax or gate tax

Link to this post 26 Feb 10

You may have all noted that if you are a not a Kenyan, Tanzanian etc resident - you end up paying usually more than double for any accommodation, park, museum, what ever it may be etc etc entrance.

Well - this can be seen as positive or negative; which ever way you want to look at it however as the non residents are basically getting slightly ripped off in direct English -

What do you think of an idea such as a "forced" 1 or 2 Dollars that we have to pay anyway from the gross amount - has to go to the local community or protection of Wildlife?

It is just a thought -

I know some of you will get back with who controls it, it will go into the pocket of who ever.... etc but what are your thoughts if any?

Link to this post 26 Feb 10

I think the government knows this is a way to make money. They see the number of tourist and know they will pay the price to come to see the parks etc. I know the money is not used in the right way you can see it when you visit. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but there is not the trickle down effect. the tanzanian people don't see the money. Most all the lodges cost a lot of money. I know it takes a lot to run them but i feel sorry for the workers. I know Arusha is growing now so hopefully change is on the way but I think there is still the money stays at the top issue over there and i don't see that changing. I don't mind paying more being a visitor actually i expect it. I know the safari companies help the community but there is so many people over there to help that it is hard. So as long as the extra tax is going for the good of the wildlife or the local people i am ok with that but I don't see that happening.

Link to this post 02 Mar 10

Cody - you are running into open doors.........if corruption weren't a topic.

The resident rates in Africa are just serving the white minority who is anything but certainly NOT in need of it!
All guests in camps who pay resident rates are white and belong to a husband (or the usband himself is staying in camp paying resident rates) who works for boing, the Red Cross, the UN etc etc and these guys mostly have more income than a regular visitor from Europe or America.

The resident rates are a joke!

I would highly support the idea of charging Africans triple rates when they visit US or Europe. Kind of balance - what you think?

Many camp within the Mara charge 60 reserve fees and 20 or even 30 for "community work". They don't pay out of their yield. Guests pay anyway for any additional work. And camps don't usually charge/pay communities deliberately. They pay because they need protection!

To your original question: The idea would be too good to become true!

Link to this post 05 Mar 10

Whow - I like these answers.
So well placed and I agree.

Joyce - the lodges do cost a lot to run however this does no way balance in charging 300 to 800 US Dollars per night for 1 couple for a room. I am in the business and standard rates at The Ritz in London, Savoy in London - or top 5 star hotels in the US do not charge what they ask. I am talking top service and 5 star; I have worked in both the establishments in London.

Well spotted and said Pippa on resident rates....

Link to this post 06 Mar 10

IMHO, the unfair part of the resident versus non-resident rates is, as Pippa says, the poor residents can't afford even the resident rates so you don't see them in the parks. It is very unfair to middle-class tourists to
be paying triple what the rich locals pay. In one of my favorite lodges residents pay 6700 KES (roughy 70 - 75.00) while I pay $220.00 per night.

Park fees are equally frustrating. A citizen pays 300 KES (roughly $4.00). A resident pays 1000 KES
(roughly $12.00); we non-resident tourists pay $60.00 per day. I certainly don't mind paying my fair share for those who would ordinarily not be able to go to the park and see the wildlife. However, I find myself getting very resentful when the rich locals show up with two Landrovers, 4 - 6 kids, several nannies, a driver or two (all things I couldn't afford). In additional to this, if they haven't brought a nanny with them, they then have the nerve to ask the lodge/ camp manager to have one of the askaris babysit their sleeping kid while they have a relaxing dinner. I couldn't believe this and I've seen it many times.

I think the reason for this is that off-season or for instance after the clashes when no tourists showed up,
the lodges, camps and safari companies depend on the locals to keep them going so they entice them with the extremely low rates.

I'm not aware of any other continent where this happens or would be allowed.

Link to this post 06 Mar 10

Jan - who ever the owner is of one of your favourite lodges, should make an effort with you. How many times have you been back and how much have you promoted their places?
I am quite sure I know which lodge (at least I think I can margin it down) you are talking about.

They at least should give you resident rates.

I do not know either if this is done in other areas. I think I came across something similar in Srilanka but not with such a high margin.
Pippa may know something about India and those areas?