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Which Parks in Kenya and More

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Which Parks in Kenya and More

Link to this post 22 Jan 10

I see where you are coming from Simba. However, stop and think. People can see mountains in most countries of the world - they don't need to go to Kenya to see them. Flamingoes are also seen in other places. As to scenery, yes, Kenya has its beautiful places - but so do so many other countries.

It is definitely the wildlife that acts like a magnet to Kenya and tugs at our hearts!

Link to this post 23 Jan 10

Well, now. I come here for help and just get conflicting advice from the experts. What to do?

Jan suggested in a pm that summer would be better in terms of seeing wildlife and we just realized that we could possibly do that. We would also have more time available to us. Simba, what do you think of that? It would mean giving up the wildlife in Yellowstone this summer but we can do that another time.

Pulling the air arrangements together might be hectic (because of our own person al flying expectations.)

Now I think that one of the criteria I should use in selecting an itinerary is the amount of time spent driving between locations--unless the drive becomes part of the game viewing.

I need to find (I know I've seen it) where on Bushdrums you talk about time of year. The one thing we want above all else is a lot of wildlife for Casey to see. His travels form whom he will become and so we hope that these days in Kenya will be significant in that process.

Thanks for your continuing ideas.

Link to this post 23 Jan 10

Hi Jane:

USUALLY the long rains are end of March thru early May.

Short rains are usually end of October through mid-December.

Those are the times the waterholes everywhere are full and plenty of grass for the animals to eat so they tend to leave the parks/reserves.

This year has been unusual due to the severe drought with very late rains which are still going on in many places.
Since the waterholes all over the place are full and there is grass everywhere the animals tend to leave the parks/
reserves so there aren't as many to see in the parks.

Thus mid-July through mid-September are usually dry season when you would be apt to see may more animals.
The only problem with our summer vacations is that American airlines double the cost of a plane ticket! I usually pay about $1,100 to fly Boston-Nairobi round trip this time of year - yet in end of July it is around $2,100! School vacation dates are usually high because the airlines know many families will be traveling.

Whether you plan on going this summer or at Christmas, you still have time to plan. If you are thinking of summer though I would try to book relatively soon.

Link to this post 23 Jan 10

Original von Jan
I see where you are coming from Simba. However, stop and think. People can see mountains in most countries of the world - they don't need to go to Kenya to see them. Flamingoes are also seen in other places. As to scenery, yes, Kenya has its beautiful places - but so do so many other countries.

It is definitely the wildlife that acts like a magnet to Kenya and tugs at our hearts!

Jan, I agree that the big game is the highlight and a must for everyone to see, but the Mara and Samburu are included in the itinerary, so they won't miss that. Jane would like to see/show highest possible diversity. Of course you can see mountains and lakes in other countries, too, but keep in mind that you will see plenty of wildlife (including elephants) there as well and that this wildlife differs from the animals in the Mara or Tsavo.

If the only thing you see of Kenya is the Mara and Tsavo, you get the impression that Kenya is all dry and bare, which is far from the truth. Casey has been to the Amazon Rain Forest, so it may be interesting for him to see dense forests in Africa to see that such forests exist elsewhere and how they differ.

About the available time: I assume, that the itinerary would be something like one day driving and maybe a short afternoon game drive on arrival, then one day at the destination then moving on to the next destination. Since you stated that you are travelling on your own, maybe you can skip Samburu and do only Mt. Kenya, Lake Nakuru and the Mara. Samburu is not that much different from what you will see elsewhere but it is the furthest away from Nairobi on this route. If you skip it, you have much more time to spend in the other parks to enjoy watching what you came for. I doubt that you would gain enough time to replace Samburu with Tsavo though because that would be even better

Link to this post 24 Jan 10

I have NOT read the earlier responses - Jane, thanks for re-directing me to your "real" question - and here come my 2 cts:

- July over December for the migration in the Massai Mara! but late July/beg. of Aug would be best so in that case put the Mara at the end.

- logistically I would first go to Amboseli followed by Samburu and end in MM.
Canall be done on

- Amboseli you should stay at TORTILIS ( from where you can see (lucky!) Kilimanjaro.
Amboseli is slso called "dust bowl" -

- it's peak peak season due to the wildebeast migration.

- December is better cost wise and you see plenty of animals (resident game/cats) in all three locations but you miss the migration and the "short" rains have started. Short rains doesn't mean pouring,. An occasional shower here and then . But that also might deliver dramatic clowds adding some special features to your photos.
Have a guess for which reason

- Samburu is totally different landscape from both: Ambo and Mara.

- Massai Mara you have savannah.

Maybe instead of Samburu, if wildlife is not your foremost concern/ priority you could also go to Meru (Elsa's kopje: . Meru as well is great landscape (you have the doom palms here which I LOVE - but it's YOUR safari !) but Meru has TALL Elephant grass: tracking and spotting is difficult here. Nonetheless: Elsa's guides are excellent and find something for you You also could pay a visit to Elsa's grave (lioness Elsa, Joy and George Adamson).

One more option would be LAIKIPIA Plateau. Also great landscape bat wildlife not in abundance.
Here i watched a HUGE male lion RUN towards his ladies which were just visited by another lion. The mane flying in the wid - a sight I won't forget.
You can see special things here. But nothing is for granted as e.g. in the MM.

Doesn't matter what you choopse: You cannot get it wrong as long as you settle down to the appreciation of whatever comes along.

As you know from your visit to TAZ: It's not a zoo and wildlife is unpredictable.

Get away from the expectations to MUST see the big 5 - or the safari is a failure. Get yourself away from that attitude in order to enjoywhat ever you see. Travelling to Africa with a high/certain expctations just calls for disappointment.

If it were a "trip of a lifetime" I would go to Ambo, Samburu and MM.
If it's just another safari I would include Meru, Tsavo and Samburu, travel in early July (costwise it's good value as from 15 of July peak season starts) and Samburu is still cool(er).

The choice is yours.

Happy planning!

Link to this post 24 Jan 10

Jane is extreamly well travelled and has been to numerous countries - having got to know her and her family over the years I am quite positive that she does not go on safari to see the big 5 as most 1st timers or tourists want to do.
I think she is more like us to get a real feel of the country, people, culture and to show her son what Africa is about.